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Eddies walk from the pharmacy was cold, and wet.

Dark clouds loomed over the small town. It had been raining all week in the town of Derry and today just so happened to be the day that Eddie Kaspbrak needed his inhaler refill.

He held the black umbrella over his head as he walked down the empty gravel roads to his house, jumping in small puddles every once in a while.

As he approached his two story navy blue house, a moving truck parked outside of the house next door. He watched as a couple of people shuffled into the house to escape the bad weather

Sonia: Eddie bear! Get out of the rain before you catch a cold!

Eddie cringed at the nick name. He was 17 yet his mom still called him that ridiculous name.

Eddie: Yes mum

He went inside and placed his umbrella on a coat rack

Sonia: Did you see the new neighbors?

Eddie: No, I think they just got here

Sonia: hm, okay. Dinner will be done soon so go shower and clean up

The small boy nodded and ran upstairs to his room. He took off his wet hoodie and laid down on his bed. His straight brown hair was now soaked and curling, and his gray t-shirt was now dotted with raindrops.

The rain fell hard outside and it made a relaxing sound that Eddie adored. He went over to his window and opened it, letting the rain fall onto his tan skin. He leaned out and stuck his hand outside to catch the cold raindrops in his palm. His eyelashes became wet as the rain completely soaked him

He smiled up at the sky but then turned his head a few inches to meet the eyes of a stranger


Smoke trailed out of the cigarette he held between his pale pink lips. He leaned out the window, using his arms to prop him up, one arm was covered in a sleeve tattoo.

His frame was slim but he looked tall. He wore a black tee that showed off his chest and tons of bracelets on one wrist.

His pitch black hair was soaked and laid gently on his face. He had freckles that seemed to sparkle against his pale skin.

The rain ran down his face and eventually put out the cigarette hanging from his mouth

But his eyes. They were a deep brown that I sunk into.... and they were staring right at me.

He flashed me a smirk, showing his perfectly white teeth. I hadn't realized how long I'd been staring and now my cheeks where becoming hot and a dusty rose color

Out of panic, I went back in my room and closed my window. I backed against my wall as my heart beat out of my chest.

That boy was so...beautiful
His pale skin and dark, tired eyes...

And that smile. It took my breath away. Literally, I had to use my inhaler.

I jumped into my shower and washed the cool rain water off. I was already sniffling from a cold.

Damn that cute stranger...getting me sick...

Once I finished washing my hair I dried off and changed into my comfy clothes.

Sonia: Eddie! Dinner is done!

Eddie: Coming ma!

I ran down to the kitchen and sat in my spot at the table. My mum gave me my plate and we began eating

Sonia: Did you get your meds and your inhaler refills?

Eddie: Yes mum

Sonia: Good boy. Now, the neighbors will probably need help moving in, don't you think? Maybe you could stop by tomorrow?

I froze thinking about the boy in the window. I can't face him after I stared at him through my window!!

Eddie: You think...?

Sonia: yes, Edward. I expect that you'll be neighborly and help them tomorrow. Right?

Eddie: Okay...

I sighed and picked at my pasta. I was already anxious just thinking about facing the tall stranger


The next morning I decided to jog. I put on some black running shorts and a light hoodie, then grabbed my headphones. I didn't get to gel and comb my hair so it was just a curled mess on my head

I ran down the block and on to Main Street. My favorite cafe was open so I decided to stop in for a coffee.

I stepped into the small shop and took out my ear buds. The smell of fresh coffee and pastry's engulfed me as I walked to the register.

I stood at the counter and looked up at the menu. I was probably going to get my usual either way.

The barista turned around to face me and I was met with two large dark eyes. My face instantly turned pink and a gasp escaped my lips.

He smiled at me with those gorgeous teeth and chuckled to himself

Richie: Hey

Eddie: Hey...

We stood for a while. I looked at his apron and collared button up with short sleeves. His name tag read "Richie"

Richie: So... you gonna order of just stare at me again?

Eddie: Oh! Uh... sorry. I'll have an iced Carmel latte please

Richie: Coming right up. Name?

Eddie: Eddie

Richie: Cool, that'll be $5.50

I handed him the money and he turned around to make the drink. I sat at a nearby table and waited for my name to be called

Richie: Eddie! Ice Carmel latte

I went up to the table and he handed me the drink before going to the back

I looked at my cup and my name was scribbled onto it. In parentheses below it, it said:


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