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🌻best friends🌻

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I let Eddie slide down from my arms. He looked...sad

But before I could find out why, Stan pulled me out of the tattoo shop and shoved me outside

Richie: the fuck was that for?

Stan: really? Best friends?

Richie: yeah and...

Stan: why aren't you dating him?! He clearly loves you! He just got a permanent mark on his body for you!

Richie: I know! But I need to make sure he really wants me... I did some fucked up shit... and I want him to know before we date

Stan: then tell him you dingus!

Richie: I. Can't. You have no fucking clue what I've done.

Stan: is it really that bad? If it's that bad, I'm not even sure if you should be around him

Richie: I'm not sure either.... but I'm not about to leave him...

I walked back into the parlor and found Eddie. But not just Eddie, Eddie hugging Bill with his head down.

Richie: what's wrong?

Bill looked up at me with wide eyed as Eddie clung to him. I swear I heard him sniffle

Bill: he f-feels sick... I'm gonna t-take him h-home

Richie: oh, okay... call me later Eds...

He nodded and Bill rushed the two of them out. Stan came in and watched Eddie leave

Stan: What the fuck

Richie: it wasn't me! He's sick

Stan rolled his eyes and left, I followed him out. Bill and Eddie were already gone and Stan was walking to his car

Richie: can I have a ride home?

Stan: no, but you can stay at my house

I nodded and got into the passenger side


I'd never been to Stans house. It was huge and quiet. I followed Stans lead and took my shoes off at the door and followed him up a spiral stair case

Richie: why is it so fuckin quiet?

Stan: my parents aren't home and you were being quiet for once.

I rolled my eyes and followed him into his room. I made myself at home and jumped onto his bed. He took off his coat and sat on a bean bag on the floor.

Richie: how many hoes do you bring to this massive house?

He laughed and shook his head

Stan: I'm bi, and prefer guys.

I laughed at the rhyme

Richie: Okay... how many man whores do you bring here?

Stan: psh. None. I have more class than that

Richie: that was the gayest thing i've ever heard

Stan: Yeah, and you making out with Eddie was the gayest thing I've ever seen

Richie: I bet I get more action that you do Uris!

Stan: I don't care for boasting trash mouth.

Richie: well I do. I've had over 20 girlfriends where I came from

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