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I knew I fucked up.

Right when those words slipped out of my mouth.

I looked back at the losers who were now all staring me down

Stan: did you really call him a fag?

Richie: I didn't mean to—

Mike: but you said it. That's fucked up

Richie: I know! I gotta go

I turned away and ran towards eddies house. I knocked on the the door frantically and Sonia opened it

Richie: Hey Mrs.K is Eddie home?

Sonia: Yeah, do you have something to do with it?

Richie: What do you mean?

Sonia: he was crying, didn't even stop to tell me why.

Richies I— I just need to see him

Sonia: now isn't a good time Richie. Run along and get home. Your mom was looking for you earlier

Richie: but—

She slammed the door in my face and I stumbled back. I sighed and walked to my house. When I stepped inside my mom embraced me in a hug

Maggie: where have you been?! I've been worried sick!

Richie: I'm sure you are. Do you not remember getting drunk?

Maggie: shit...I'm sorry Richard I'm trying to quit—

I shoved past her and went up to my room

Richie: well try harder

I slammed my door shut and locked it. I rummaged through my stash drawer and found the orange bottle of white pills. Using my thumb, I popped the cap and took two pills, letting the Morphine run through my body.

It activated almost instantly and I fell back onto my bed. I felt drowsy and my thoughts started to disappear. I closed my eyes and breathed out, then fell asleep.


When I woke up it was about 9pm. My high was coming down and I felt jittery. I sat up and held my throbbing head. It was completely quiet in the house.

I went downstairs and threw on my hoodie. My moms car was gone so she was probably out working the streets.

I walked next door and I stood below eddies window. I climbed the side of the house using a tree to get myself to the window. I peaked in and his lights were on but he looked like he was sleeping.

I slid the window open and tip toed in. He sat up and glared at me

Eddie: get the fuck out

Richie: I want to say sorry

Eddie: no. you don't get to.

Richie: I didn't mean it. I just didn't like that douche calling me a fag

Eddie: so it makes it okay for you to call me that?

Richie: no, that's not what I'm saying! Why are you getting so offended if you not even gay

Eddie: Really? I should be saying that to you. Why did you get so offended

Richie: I just...i was raised that way ok? I was told being a fag is disgusting

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