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🌻no one else🌻

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god I miss Eddie.

Why the hell am I kissing Byers?

I separated our lips and he looked up at me with a worried look

Will: what's wrong?

Richie: I'm sorry babe. I lied.

Will: what?

Richie: I have a boyfriend...      A beautiful boy that makes me melt with a single smile.

His grip let loose from my shirt and he looked at the floor

Will: oh... then why bother with me?

Richie: I thought I was over him. Guess not.

I let him go and began walking away. I felt his eyes burn into the back of my head but I kept going. I looked up at the blue sky, the sun barely reaching the horizon. I still have time.

I walked to Stans, not really thinking but just going. All I know is that I need him.

So fucking much


Before I knew it, I was in front of Stans house. I walked in, the house was still empty and everything was still in its place since I left.

I slipped my shoes off and heard the patter of feet come running down the hallway.

Eddie slid to a stop in the doorway and froze at the sight of me

Richie: hey sweetheart...

His lip began to tremble and tears slipped from his eyes. He ran to me as I opened my arms up for him.

He wrapped his arms around my neck and held me tightly. I wound my longer arms around his middle and nestled my face in his neck.

Eddie: I'm so so so sorry bubba...

Richie: shh... it's okay...

Eddie: no it's not... I cheated.

Richie: you didn't want it. that's all that matters.

He pulled back slightly to look in my eyes.

Eddie: you don't hate me?

Richie: I could never

I kissed the tip of his nose and he smiled.

Eddie: you've been gone for hours... I thought you might never come back...

Richie: I just went to the diner, I couldn't stop thinking of you. No one else can compare to you...

Eddie furrowed his brows at me. Stan and Bill walked in the room behind him

Eddie: what do you mean by that?

My mouth went dry as his arms fell to his sides. I have to be honest, he was with me.

Richie: I met this boy at the diner... we kissed and shit but I couldn't stop thinking of you... I'm sorry.

His mouth opened like he was going to say something but instead he looked back at Stan and Bill. He turned back to me and held my hand

Eddie: it's okay. I deserved it.

Richie: no, no you didn't! I know how bad it hurts, and you do too. No one should feel that...

Eddie: but I was the reason you felt that... I did deserve it... but it doesn't matter, because your here. You came back.

He embraced me in another hug, softer than before. He kissed my cheek as he let go, giving me a gentle smile.

Eddie: do you still... love me?

Richie: of course baby...

The front door opened behind me and we all faced it.

Mike (Wheeler) stepped in and closed the door behind him. He didn't even acknowledge us,

Mikey: Eddie, I want you back

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WhOoPs my finger slipped and I started another Reddie fic.

who knows if I will publish it or not, but even if I do I won't until this fic is over which it is quite a bit away from being over.



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