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🌻you can't run from🌻     🌻your past🌻

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I woke up in a puddle of my own drool. I sat up and rubbed my aching head, looking around the unfamiliar room.

Eddie: chee...?

His head poked out from the doorway and he smiled

Richie: morning sleepy head

Eddie: why does everything hurt?

Richie: you got shit faced

Everything that happened the night before came back to my memory. Well, the last thing I could recall was playing jenga. I looked around the neat room, probably Stans guest room.

Eddie: did I say anything stupid?

He smirked and walked over to the bed. He put two hands on my cheeks and I wrapped my arms around his waist. I looked up at him and he ran his thumb under my eyes

Richie: I don't want you to get mad... but you gave me another lap dance...

My face turned red from ear to ear. I buried my face in his shirt and sighed

Eddie: son of a bitch...

Richie: look at me

I shook my head "no" but he pulled me off of him. I directed my gaze at his shoes but he tilted my head up

Richie: it was cute okay? Nothing to be embarrassed about... maybe one day you'll be sober when you do it

He chuckled and I buried my face in my hands

Eddie: why do I get so stupid when I'm drunk?

Richie: not stupid, adorable

I rolled my eyes and laid down on the bed

Eddie: I'm not adorable!

Richie: yes you are

He leaned down and tickled my tummy. I began laughing but the headache was killing me

Eddie: Stop! I'm gonna punch you!

Richie: sure you will...

He laid down on top of me and buried his face in my neck. He licked it and I giggled

Eddie: that tickles!

Richie: I know, you wouldn't stop doing it last night

Eddie: you let me lick your neck?!

Richie: I was trying to carry you to bed! Your so touchy when your drunk

Eddie: what else did I do?!

Richie: nothing really. But guess what?

Eddie: hm?

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