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We looked at each other for what seemed like eternity. Neither of us breathing or moving, just searching each others foggy eyes.

He stepped in through the window and we both instantly latched on to each other. We stumbled backwards on to my bed and he landed on top of me between my legs. I buried my face in his shoulder and clutched on to the back of his shirt. He quietly cried on to my neck and his arms wound around my waist.

Richie: i'm so sorry...

Eddie: shh...

I rubbed my hand up his back and turned my head to kiss his temple.

Richie: i'm so afraid to lose you

Eddie: you won't... you never will...

Richie: i was gonna tell you, i swear it...

Eddie: i want you to tell me the whole story... but only when you're ready

He lifted his head up to pepper my cheeks with kisses

Richie: i don't deserve you

Eddie: you deserve the world and more

He took his arms out from under me and put his hands on my face, tracing my freckles with his thumb and looking deep into my eyes

Eddie: i love you

Richie: no, you don't have to say that...

Eddie: i do... when i said i didn't, i didn't mean it... because i love you. i love you with every single piece of me.

Richie: i love you too baby

I put one hand on the back of his neck and the other tangled in his thick raven locks, bringing him closer till there was no space between us. He softly kissed my lips, just my lips, turning his head to get a better angle. Just letting our lips brush against each others and feel every second of it. His cherry red lips lingered on mine, and his eyelashes grazed my warm cheeks. He whispered into my mouth another
"i love you" before scooting down the bed to lay his head down under my chin.

I played with his hair and placed a hand under his shirt, tracing hearts and stars on his bare back. He put his hands under my own shirt, crossing his arms under my back and barely holding on.

Soon, the room filled with the sound of soft breathing and we were both asleep.

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sorry for the short chapters

but i made it extra soft



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