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🌻high and low🌻

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I watched him leave the school, and I just let him do it

Stan and Bill came up behind me and Stan spun me around

Stan: What did you just do?!

Richie: I told him that I loved him

Jane: what?!

The short-haired brunette approached us and pushed Stan aside

Jane: your gay and you fucking slept with me?!

Richie: El, honey, it meant nothing

She slapped me across the face and stormed off. I didn't even react because it was something I was use to

Bill: your g-gay?

Richie: I don't fucking know! But I do know that I love Eddie!

Stan: and you slept with Jane?!?

Richie: I just needed a distraction!

Bill: no w-wonder Eddie ran out...

Richie: that's not why shit head

Stan: then why did he leave like that?

Richie: I kissed him, okay? And I don know... I fucked something up!

Bill: you f-fucking kissed

Richie: yes b-b-b-Bill, I did

I mocked him and Stan shoved me

Stan: do you not see how fucked up that is?! Your playing with his feelings you asshole!

Bill: you made out w-with him, and just expect that i-it'll change th-the fact that you fucked J-Jane?!

Richie: yeah... I guess

Stan: ding dong, you are completely wrong. He actually had feelings for you.

Richie: I know, he told me that night he was drunk

Bill: Yeah? Well m-maybe he shouldn't of

I rolled my eyes and Stan stepped up to me.

Stan: just stay the fuck away from him Tozier. Come near him and I swear you'll regret it

The boys pushed passed me and went after Eddie. I looked around at the crowd that had gathered around me

Richie: shows over fuckers! Hope it was worth it!

I ran out of the building and looked around at the empty parking lot. I got in my mustang and drove away fast. I cranked my Nirvana tape up to max and gripped the steering wheel. My eyes stung and hot tears rolled down my cheeks. I punched the steering wheel and grunted. I hate fucking crying. I'm not weak and I don't fucking fall in love.

I shouldn't of hooked up with Jane and I shouldn't of told Eddie how I felt. I just fuck everything up and I should of known this would happen

I pulled into my driveway and looked over to see Stans car in eddies driveway. I went up to my room and ignored my mom who was passed out drunk on the couch.

I slammed my door behind me, shaking the house. I rolled up my hoodie sleeves and dug through my stash door. Most of everything was gone and all I had was a small bag of coke and a bottle of pills.

I set them out on my desk and sat down, taking the lid off my pills bottle. One, four, ten pills later and I was barely getting a high. I laid out a line of the white powder on my finger and sniffed it up. I leaned back in my chair letting the drugs take over. My mind was fuzzy and I couldn't even remember why I was here in the first place. I got up and stumbled to my bed. My nose dripped blood onto my sheets and trailed down to my lip. I rolled on my side and covered myself with my blanket.

On my nightstand was the
t-shirt Eddie had let me borrow when I stayed over. I then remembered why I was doing this and I began to cry. My heart hurt and not even the drugs could block out the feeling.

I grabbed his shirt and held it against my chest. It still smelt like him, lavender and vanilla...

I missed him...

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updates will be slow for a bit
i'm having family problems and shit is just fucked right now



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