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🌻scars that never heal🌻

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Stan and Bill fell asleep in two lobby chairs. But I, because of my insomnia, couldn't fall asleep for the life of me. I knew that he was okay, and I knew that he would get better, but did he really try to kill himself?

Soon, the sun was up and I was still pacing the quiet lobby. Bill woke up first, stretching and rubbing his eyes

Bill: did you e-even sleep?

Eddie: Nope

Bill: is i-it your insomnia?

Eddie: Yep

Stan fluttered his eyes opened and yawned

Stan: his what?

Bill shook his head as to say "nothing". Bill and Richie are the only ones who know about my insomnia. I'll tell the others one day, just not today.

Eddie: I need to step out, can you guys see how he is?

They nodded and groggily got up, and headed to Richies room. I walked outside and stood in the morning breeze. My varsity jacket kept me warm.

Out of no where, Henry Bowers pushed me against the brick hospital wall.

Henry: hey girly boy, how's it going?

Eddie: What the fuck are you doing here?!

Henry: we came to see your faggot boyfriend. Heard he tried to kill himself after he kissed you. You must feel real shitty, making him want to kill himself like that...

His words stuck to me and dug their way into my head.

Eddie: get off me asshole!

Even though I was stronger, he was much bigger in size, and numbers.

Henry: or what? You'll make me try to kill myself too?

Like the fool I am, I let a tear slip down my cheek.

Henry: aww! The fag is crying! That's rich coming from the guy who made someone else try to overdose—

Henry was cut off by Richie shoving him.

Richie: I told you to stay the fuck away from him!

Patrick: look! It lives! Guess the pussy couldn't go through with it...

Richie was steaming with anger,he stepped towards Patrick but Stan held him back

Stan: just screw off!

Henry backed away and laughed

Henry: just you wait Tozier. They'll find out about your past and you'll have no one to run to

With that, they left, laughing and flipping us off

Bill: w-why do they keep
b-bringing up your p-past?

Richie completely ignored Bills question and turned to me. He put his hands on my cheeks and made me look up at him. Tears were streaming down my face and he wiped them away with his thumb

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