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Eddie: bubba?

I turned around in the hallway to see Eddie standing behind me. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face in his neck. I felt his arms slowly wrap around my back and rub up and down

Eddie: you okay rich?

Richie: I love you eds. You know that right?

Eddie: I love you too...are you sure you're okay?

Richie: I would do anything for you, and I would never let anyone hurt you, or take you away from me...

Eddie: your scaring me... what's going on?

Richie: I love you, Okay?

Eddie: we're in love, bubba, I know

I looked down at him, his eye was still black and his lips a little swollen.

Richie: in love?

Eddie: Yeah, I would do anything for you too

I smiled and softly kissed his forehead

Eddie: let's go home? The doctor said I was free to leave

I nodded and put his arm around my waist so that I could lead him to my car


When we got to his house Mrs.K was gone. I helped him up stairs and tucked him in bed. I set a glass of water and some pain pills on his nightstand.

Richie: you okay for the night?

Eddie: your not staying with me...?

Richie: you want me to?

Eddie: of course I do, love. why wouldn't I?

Richie: I just— I wasn't there when those guys beat you, I don't understand why you still want me...

He sat up a bit and gave me a confused look

Eddie: it wasn't your fault, I still love you...

Richie: but you can do so much better than me...

There was a long silence as I stood by his bed side. I could hear his thoughts churning in his head

Eddie: are you... breaking up with me?

Richie: no! I don't want to leave you... I'm just making sure that you don't want someone else...

Eddie: who else would I want?

Richie: Stan, Mike .... or Henry....

Eddie: I don't want anyone else but you! Your scaring me, are you leaving me?? Is something wrong??

Tears were steadily rolling down his cheeks and I felt my heart drop to my stomach

Richie: I don't want to leave you either but I need to know that you want me as much as I want you!

Eddie: I want you more than anything else in the world!

He sat up on his knees and sat in front of me, still crying and looking up at me. I held back the tears that threatened to spill and swallowed hard

Richie: you do?

Eddie: Yes! I want to hold your hand and kiss you and hug
you— I don't want to let you go...

His hand walked into mine and he gave me a small squeeze

Eddie: I want to be with you forever....

Richie: I wanna be with you too...

Eddie: then stay.

He tugged on my hand and scooted over in the bed to make room. I laid down next to him on my back and he rested his head on my chest

Eddie: I won't leave unless you want me to... don't ever worry about that...

Richie: I'll never want you to leave... I'm just...afraid...

Eddie: Richie, you're the best thing to happen to me... you've showed me that you love me, and I hope I've been good enough for you. To me, you're perfect, and you're so sweet, and kind... sometimes your an ass but I know you mean well—

I chuckled and he smiled

Eddie: ...and I'll be here for you, no matter what. I love you a lot chee

Richie: I love you too baby...

He looked up at me and then rolled on top of me, putting his legs between mine and wrapping his arms around the small of my back. He sleepily laid his head back down

Eddie: you're mine....

I laughed and placed a hand on his back and the other tangled in his hair.

Richie: mine...

I kissed the top of his head and we soon fell asleep.



Henry: I know where he is. Do what you want with him, but leave the other boy alone, and we both get what we want

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sorry for the pause

long story short, my baby brother had complications and we had to stay at the hospital a little longer and we just got home a day ago.

then some bitch ran my dog over and I watched him die in my dads arms.

there will most likely be another pause in updates.



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