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🌻broken hearts🌻

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I woke up with an ice pack on my head and covered in blankets. I sat up and rubbed my throbbing temples

Stan: good morning

I looked down at Stan who was sitting on the floor

Eddie: what's going on?

Stan: well, to summarize it, you got drunk, hit on Richie, and then passed out after puking in my car.

My eyes got big and my heart raced. I don't remember drinking, how could that even happen?

Eddie: but I didn't drink! I told Richie to keep me away from it

Stan: someone made you drink and then drugged you...but he didn't do anything, Richie saved you

I frowned and laid back down

Eddie: shit...I can't remember anything...

Stan sat on the bed next to me and handed me a glass of water

Stan: Richie told me something, but I don't know if you want to hear it...

Eddie: oh god...what?

Stan: you kinda, sorta gave him a lap dance...

I shot up and spit my water back in the cup

Eddie: I DID WHAT?!

Stan: you were really out of it

Eddie: oh no... what else did I say to him?!

Stan: I don't know, he didn't say. But he left once we got to my house,

Eddie: fuck... I have to call him...

I dug around in my pocket and found my phone. I impatiently listened to each ring until he picked up

Richie: hello?

Eddie: Rich it's me! Eddie

Richie: oh....hey eds, feeling any better?

Eddie: Yeah, Fine. But... I don't know what I said last night, but can we just...not talk about it?

Richie: yeah, of course, you were pretty out of it anyways

Eddie: I wasn't rude or anything right?

Richie: no, you just said some weird shit

Eddie: but... we're cool right?

Richie: Yep. See you at at school

Eddie: Bye

I hung up and took a sigh of relief. I thought I almost blew our friendship

Stan: we have school today so get ready, you can borrow some of my clothes

I nodded and got up to get ready. I wore the same pants as I wore yesterday since Stans wouldn't fit, and then one of his t-shirts that was much too big.

We drove to school and Bill met us by the entrance outside and hugged me

Bill: are y-you okay?! We're gonna find the ass wh-who spiked your drink...

Eddie: I'm fine Bill...Richie was there to save me anyways—

Just as I said those words, Richies mustang pulled into the parking lot and screeched to a stop. A girl stepped out with him and they were both laughing. My stomach dropped and my brain went fuzzy.

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