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Stan, Bev, Eddie and I sat on the living room couch watching Friends. We were waiting for the other losers to join us.

The first to arrive, was big bill and then Ben. They both just walked in and joined us on the couch. Mike showed up soon after and made himself comfortable on a recliner.

Bev: what should we do?

Bill: I'm k-kinda hungry

Stan: I can make dinner, it's only 7pm

Eddie: I'll help!

Eddie got up from the couch to follow Stan but I pulled him back by the waist. He landed back in my lap with an "oof".

Eddie: what you do that for?

I buried my face in the back of his neck and squeezed his middle tighter. His hand laid gently on top of mine

Richie: I want cuddles

Eddie: our friends are here!

I looked up and our friends were looking at us. Bev had a smirk and Bill was aw-ing.

Richie: so, I don't mind an audience

I smiled against his back and he chuckled

Eddie: you're sick. I'm gonna help with dinner

He turned his head briefly to kiss my forehead and then pulled away from my grasp. He followed Stan into the kitchen and I looked back at the others

Richie: what shall we do fuckers?

Bev: let's play a game... Ooo! Or do bets!

Mike: bets? I don't make them, to risky

Ben: what do you mean?

Bev: you know, bets. You win the bet you get a reward. Simple

Richie: I'm listening...

Bev: Okay Tozier. I bet...        you can't go a whole night without kissing Eddie. I win, and I get to dye your hair

Richie: what?! No way! Your not touching my gorgeous hair!!

Bev: then don't kiss Eddie! Just 24 hours.

Richie: what if he tries kissing me?

Bev: just avoid it. Turn your cheek, whatever. But you can't tell him it's a bet

Richie: deal. If I win I get a pick from any of your records

She hummed and then nodded her head. She stuck her hand out to me and I shook it firmly

Bev: deal. 7:10 tomorrow night, and the bets over

Bill: you s-sure that's such a good i-idea?

Richie: Why not? It's just a friendly bet

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