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Maggie Tozier was at work. Everyday from 10am-7pm and it's currently 1pm.

So, stanny dropped us off at richies house, he just wanted to grad some things but I insisted we stay a bit longer to talk.

He held on to my fingers and led me up the stairs of his house. The smell of booze was stronger than it ever had been.

I shut the door behind us as he went to his dresser and started shoving things in a back pack.

Richie: should I bring my toothbrush?

Eddie: ew, definitely. Have you not been brushing your teeth this entire time?!

Richie: I used Stans

Eddie: and does he know that?

Richie: fuck no

Mental note, buy Stan a new toothbrush.

Richie: what about my vinyls? Staniels parents have a sick record player

He went on about the Beatles and music, his back turned to me as I leaned my back against his door. I walked over to him and took the back pack out of his hand and dropped it to the side. He turned slightly, mumbling "what the fuck" under his breath

I spun him around and attached our lips, placing my hands on the back of his neck. He fought back against my kiss but I just pushed him against his dresser. His hands snaked on to my hips and he rubbed his thumb up and down my skin.

He hopped up onto the dresser and moved his hands to my face as the kiss got wet. I stood between his legs and boosted myself up by his thighs to reach his lips

I pulled away, panting for breath. His eyes were wide and his cheeks contrasted red against his pale freckled skin.

Richie: what was that for?

Eddie: just because I love you

He smiled and placed his hand on my cheek

Richie: I love you too sweet pea... but seriously, what's wrong

There was something wrong. My best friend has a crush on me and just confessed it to me in one afternoon. I love Richie, I do, but would I still be dating him if Stan would of asked me out?

Should I tell him about Stan? What if he tries to kill him or something? What if he breaks up with me?!

Eddie: I just...

He raised an eyebrow at me and lowered his hand.

Eddie: I just want us to be romantic is all...

Richie: Huh?

Eddie: you know... go on dates, hold hands in public... just to be showed off a bit?

I know my face was probably cherry red but he was smiling nonetheless.

Richie: oooooh... so you want more of the Tozier attention?

Eddie: stop... don't say it like that...

I looked down and tried to hide the grin on my face. He pulled me in closer by the waist and wrapped his arms around me.

He squeezed me and lifted me off the ground, shaking me around and nuzzling his face in my neck

Richie: I will never stop. It's okay to want attention now and then

Eddie: I only want your attention bubba.

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