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🌻not a real chapter🌻

i haven't really given myself the chance to talk to you guys, the readers.

but I want to thank you guys.
for the reads and votes...
especially the comments because they make me laugh

and i really appreciate the comments that are for me talking about my parents and the things that have been going on and preventing me from writing...

(btw i'm feeling better)

💖you guys are so sweet💖

much love for all of you


on another note, on one of my previous stories, (innocent) I said I would never talk about self harm or depression, but then a big plot of this story revolves around it.

I wanted to write about it.

I never thought I'd be putting this on the internet, but I suffer from depression. I developed it in my jeans and a lot of things from my past have triggered its growth.
I also have anxiety and hyper sensitivity, which my therapist diagnosed me with

So I can see how most of this effects others when they read it, and that's why I didn't want to write about it before.

I don't want you guys to think I'm bullshitting you about my depression, I want to keep it real with you guys

the semicolon tattoo that Eddie got.


the reason that he got it, "Well... A semicolon represents a sentence the author could have ended, but chose not to. The sentence is your life and the author is you. For me, it's hope, and support for everyone with depression.[ch.14]"

It's a very real thing and millions of people get it all over the world,
(not just because it's on
13 rw. I love the show but that's not what I got it from)

This is why it's so important to me...

This year, one of my classmates committed suicide. it's something that I still cry at the thought of.
we were in a class together, and in that class everyone was like family.
it was like I lost a brother

all of his close friends began getting that tattoo and that's where I first learned about it.

Then, shortly after... another one of my peers killed them self.
people were saying it was a suicide pact but we'll never know because they left without a goodbye

So, this is why the semicolon is so important to me. And many people don't know about it and they really should. I wanted to show you guys what it is and why it is important.
why speaking about depression is so important to me.

i lost two people to suicide,
i have depression,
my dad is bipolar,
my friends harm themselves...

And I want all of you to know, that I am here, my messages are always open.

Even if you just need a friend


I also made an Instagram for my fandoms, follow if you want,
@ soft_chris_



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