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I looked up from my to-go coffee cup at the boy who was now taking his apron off and putting a cigarette in his mouth. Presumably going on break

My lips formed a smile thinking of the nickname, "cutie". I sighed and put my ear buds back in before going back out for my jog

It was hot and moist from yesterday's storm, so I decided to call it a day and go back home.

My mom was in the kitchen making tea in a pitcher. I snuck past her and ran upstairs to shower the layer of sweat off my skin. As I was washing my hair there was a loud knock

Sonia: Eddie dear, I have to go to the store

Eddie: Okay... I'm kinda busy...

Sonia: Well when you get out you need to go help the new neighbors

I sighed and mumbled an "okay".


When I finished my shower I got dressed in some black knee length shorts and a pastel yellow t-shirt. I tied my Vans on and pulled up my red socks before tucking my inhaler into my pocket.

My moms car was gone when I peaked out the window. I looked next door and there was a woman with long wavy black hair standing in the yard and looking through boxes.

Before going out I took a deep breath. I skipped down my porch steps and went onto the grass lawn of the new neighbors

Eddie: Excuse me, are you the new neighbor?

The woman turned to me and smiled

Maggie: Yes, I'm Maggie

Eddie: I'm Eddie Kaspbrak, I live right next door,

I pointed to my house

Eddie: I was wondering if you needed any help moving in?

Maggie: that would be very nice of you Eddie, my sons out and about doing god knows what

I nodded and for the rest of my afternoon I was moving boxes in and out of the house.

After all the boxes were in we sat on her couch. The rooms smelt of faint tobacco and dust

Maggie: how old did you say you were?

Eddie: I'm 17

Maggie: So is my son! Maybe you guys can be friends? I know he has trouble with meeting new people

Eddie: oh, uh... sure! I wouldn't mind showing him around

Maggie: great, maybe you'd like to come over for dinner tomorrow and you can meet him?

Eddie: That would be nice, thank you Maggie

It was getting late and almost time for my pills so I politely said bye and left. I was glad that I hadn't run into the boy.

When I got home my mom was passed out on the couch with the TV still on. I tip toed upstairs and flopped onto my bed. I looked out my window and the boy was riding a skateboard down the sidewalk. He disappeared into the house within seconds

My cheeks turned pink and my heart jumped. I have to meet him tomorrow... that gorgeous boy with deep eyes and messy hair. And I'm just, Eddie Kaspbrak, plain, asthmatic, teen boy.

So waking up the next day was hell. All I could think about all day was meeting this boy that I can't seem to get out of my head. The day went by fast and it was already time for me to go over for dinner


I decided to wear black jeans and my maroon lettermen's jacket from school. My maroon Vans paired nicely with it.

I nervously rung their door bell and I was greeted by Maggie. I smiled politely as she let me in. My hands were tucked deep into my pockets as she led me to their kitchen that was half way unpacked.

Eddie: Thank you again for inviting me to dinner

Maggie: it's the least I could do Eddie, after you helped me move in all those boxes

Eddie: it was really no problem at all

She smiled and pushed my shoulder lightly

Maggie: oh stop! Your too kind

I chuckled and looked down at my shoes

Maggie: Excuse me for a minute, I need to go get my son from his room

I nodded and she went upstairs. I looked around the neat kitchen with a blue theme. I wondered into the living room and ended up looking at family photos hung up on the wall

Mostly baby pictures but there was one photo of a family. A dad, a mom and a son around the age of 5. I heard a footstep and then a shadow appear on the wall in front of me

"What are you doing here."

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