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Stan drove us to school the next day. I didn't feel like going home so I just stayed over. I stole some of his clothes when he was taking a shit and he rolled his eyes when he seen me in his clothes.

We waited in the empty library for the rest of the Losers. I watched the door, waiting for Eddie to walk in. When he finally did get here, he was laughing with Bill and walking very close to him.

I got up to meet him half way and when his eyes met mine his smile flattened

Eddie: hey chee

Richie: how's your tattoo feel?

He lifted his wrist up and showed me, it was still red but he said it felt fine. I looked up to meet his eyes and my eyes stopped directly on his neck. His lettermen jacket covered most of it but I could still see the purple peeking through.

Richie: that...

He instantly turned red from ear to ear and shrunk.

Eddie: what's what?

I looked at bill who was slowly scooting away towards Stan. I lifted eddies chin and he closed his eyes shut

Richie: is that a hickey.

My voice felt rough and I was boiling with anger.

Eddie: what?? No...

He put his hands over it and stepped back. I stepped forward and tried to move his hand away

Richie: let me see

Eddie: there's nothing to see!

Richie: really? Then show me.

He let out a nervous giggle and ran. I chased after him and finally caught up enough to tackle him to the ground. I pinned his hands back and straddle his legs as he tried to kick free

Richie: you're a fast one...

Eddie: let me go chee!

he tilted his head so that I couldn't see it.

Richie: just let me look!

He grunted and managed to push me over so that he was on top. He looked down at me with angry eyes. Quite frankly, he looked adorable

Richie: Aw... your so cute...

He blushed and pressed his hands against my wrists harder.

Eddie: am not.

I finally got a look at it. It was a dark purple hickey on his neck. All the cute thoughts rushed out of my head and I stared up at him

Richie: who did it

He sighed and sat on my stomach

Eddie: Fine. It was Bill.

I looked over at bill who was being stared down by Stan.

Richie: what the fuck! You made out with b-b-billy?!?

Eddie: why do you care, best friend??

Richie: because! Because...

Eddie: you clearly don't want to be with me. Even after you said you loved me, even after you kissed me! So why the fuck do you care?!

Stan: just fucking tell him trash mouth!

Stan glared at me and Bill held his head down like a puppy. He ended up dragging Bill out of the library so that we could be alone

Richie: I care because your my best friend! And I do love you!

He rolled his eyes and let his grip on my hands go. I sat up so that he was sitting in my lap. He looked down and I put my hands on his hips. I put two fingers on his chin and made him look up at me

Richie: I do love you...

Eddie: you don't love me like I love you. I'm literally in love with you...

His bottom lip quivered and his eyes formed fat tears. My heart shattered and I closed the space between us. He put his arms around my neck and buried his face in my shoulder.

I winded my arms around his waist and held him as he cried.

Richie: well guess what Spaghetti? I'm literally in love with you too

Eddie: your just saying that because your my friend! If you really loved me, we would be together...

Richie: no, Eddie, I'm in love with you. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't be mad about the hickey. But the thought of anyone else on you, anyone but me, makes my heart hurt

I took his arms off me and held his hands, lacing our fingers together and holding them by my chest. He sniffled and lowered his head, keeping eye contact

Richie: I want you. I do. More than anything.

Eddie: then what's stopping you?

Richie: ...nothing...

I leaned in and kissed him, he fought back and untangled our fingers to cup my cheeks. I pulled his waist in and let our kiss last forever. I pulled away and he bit my bottom lip.

His hands trailed down and landed on my chest. A few stray tears made there way down his flushed cheeks

Richie: don't cry sweetheart, I'm here

I wiped his tears away with my thumb and he smiled. I rested my hands on his hips and admired the sight in front of me.

Even after crying he looked absolutely perfect. His cheeks were pink, bringing out his freckles and his lips were slightly pouted. He fit perfectly in my lap, our faces only inches apart and his hands on my chest like they were meant to be there. I smiled and pecked his lips.

Richie: you're beautiful

Eddie: stop doing that...

Richie: doing what?

Eddie: making me love you... it's confusing

Richie: I don't think it's confusing, we're best friends

He tensed under my grip and glared at me, opening the space between us. He slapped me and stood up, grabbing his bag.

Eddie: Richie Tozier, you are the worst boy I've ever met.

He left just as the bell rang and I buried my face in my hands

that's not what I meant...

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Happy Pride Month



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