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🌻people change🌻

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This chapter has Mike HANLON
not wheeler


The night air of Derry was crisp and cold. Even with the amount of bodies in the crowded space, there was a slight chill in the air

The stadium bleachers were cold, but Richies arm draped over my shoulders kept me warm.

Tonight was Mikes first baseball game of the season. He's the star pitcher, and of course all the Losers came to support him. Bev and Ben were snuggled together and holding a poster board with:
"❤️MIKE⚾️" plastered on the front. Stan and Bill (although not dating) sat under a blanket together. I leaned against Richies side with a blanket over our shoulders.

We all watched intently as Mike stepped up to the plate. He glanced at us with a grin and we all waved at him.

He hit the ball so hard we heard a crack echo through the crowd of cheering people. He ran and ran, first base, second base, third base, and home!

We all stood and cheered. The blanket sliding off my shoulders made me realize how cold it really was, even bundled up in one of Richies oversized hoodies

Eddie: I'm gonna get a hot chocolate, wanna share?

Richie: sure babe

He kissed my cheek as I got up to leave.

It was dark, and the trail to the concession stand was empty. As I walked, I realized I had been paying more attention to my feet then my actual direction. When I looked up, I was on the opposite side of the field to where my friends were.

I started walking again, getting close to the concession stand and realizing that it was closed. I frowned at the small building and walked behind it to use the bathroom.

Before I could reach the door I was shoved harshly into the brick wall. I turned around just to be knocked to the ground by a swift punch to my jaw.

I felt blood trickle out of my nose and looked up to meet the eyes of Victor. He shook out his hand and laughed smugly.

Victor: how's it goin fag?

Patrick stepped out, swinging a wooden baseball bat in his right hand and chuckling.

I scooted back against the wall and looked for an escape route but I was trapped by Belch.

Eddie: p-please—

The bat hit just above my head against the brick wall and I flinched, curling into my knees

Patrick: you turned our friend soft. You ruined him fag.

Eddie: Richie isn't your friend! I didn't ruin him!

Victor laughed and kicked my side, making me hold my bruised rib and let out a sob.

Victor: are you really that fucking dumb?! You don't even have a fucking clue about who we're talking about. He left the group because of your pussy ass!

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