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The grass tickled my bare feet as I plucked yellow dandelions from the earth. I looked up at the two brown eyed boys and sighed

Eddie: what do I do?

Stan: well first, you kind of have to tell us the problem

Bill: y-you've just been asking u-us what to do for the p-past half hour

I sighed and threw the flowers in the air. I told them the story, or at least what Richie said to me.  Bill looked sad, and Stan...well Stan just had resting bitch face.

Bill: h-how could we not of known-n....

Stan: more important question, why the fuck didn't he tell us?!

Eddie: he was scared! I don't even know the full story...

Bill: he ch-changed...or at
l-least I think...

Stan: he killed someone.

Eddie: yeah but—

Stan: he, killed someone. How are you not seeing that this is bad?!

Eddie: I didn't say it wasn't! I just don't know what to think!

Bill: do y-you love him still?

Eddie: I do.

Stan: then stay with him. But my trust will forever be lost from him.

Bill elbowed Stans side and gave him a warning look

Stan: but— if your happy... then I guess we are too

Bill: just b-be careful

Eddie: thanks guys... but he said he wanted to tell me something tonight... about his past...

Bill: just remember that i-it happened in the past... things a-are different

Stan: who knows, maybe you changed the shit head


I curled up on my bed and held my pillow to my chest. My reading glasses tilted a bit from the pillow. I looked out my window at the gray sky, most likely rain.

My bedroom door opened and shut behind me. I looked over at Richie who had sprinkles of rain droplets on his shoulders and in his hair.

Eddie: hey chee

Richie: hey

I sat up and straightened my glasses. I looked at him and he was still just standing by the door. I got up and grabbed his hand, leading him to the bed where I made him sit.

I stood in front of him and put my hands on my hips

Eddie: so... what did you want to talk about?

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