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Today I was hanging out with Stan and Bill at the mall. I hadn't seen them in a day or two so it was time to have a boys night.

Bill, is my best friend. He's an honors student and class president. It's basically his job to know people and have good grades.

Stan, is Derrys football star. Quarter back and a damn good one. He has an OCD so he's basically perfection to every girl at school. Beside his average grades, he's perfection at its finest.

It's funny, when we got to high school we were known as the nerdy, freak, Losers. Funny how things change when you grow up. We still call each other the "Losers Club" though, it seemed to stick with us. Our class praises us as the "populars" but we never really changed.

We strolled past each kiosk and clothing store. I stopped to look at this cute pair of overalls in a shop window

Eddie: guys look! How cute-

When I turned around the two boys were gone. I looked back at the overalls and then sighed. I shrugged and went to go find my friends. They were probably going to the food court so I headed that direction.

I looked around for a while till I finally spotted Stans black hoodie. His hood was over his head and he was walking with his back towards me.

I smiled and ran up to him. I jumped on his back and he caught me

Eddie: got you Staney!

I pulled his hood down and instead of seeing his curly fawn hair, I saw messy black hair. He turned his head to get a glance at me

Richie: is that you eds?

My cheeks turned bright red and my tummy turned with embarrassment

Eddie: oh my god I'm
so sorry— I thought you were my friend

Richie: Im not your friend?

Eddie: no! You are! I meant my other friend!

This was all happening while I was holding on to his shoulders and had my legs wrapped around his hips with my feet dangling from the floor

Eddie: c-can.... can you put me down now please?

I chuckled and he jumped to get a better grip on the back of my knees

Richie: your the one who jumped on me for a ride

Eddie: I didn't mean to!

Richie: Well now that your here, I might as well carry you. Where to?

I sighed and leaned my head against the back of his neck. He smelt like light cigarette smoke and cologne

Eddie: Fine...I'm looking for two tall dudes. One has curly hair the other has straight brown hair

Richie: Alright. Off we go then

He started walking and I bounced at every step. I felt so tall from where I was sitting.

Richie: your so light

Eddie: and your so tall

He chuckled and squeezed the back of my knee. I held on around his neck and rested my chin on the top of his head. He laughed again and reached a hand up to pinch my cheek

Richie: you're so fucking adorable

Eddie: am not! Just keep walking trash mouth

We walked around until we spotted them at a table in the food court

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