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🌻no doubt🌻

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(remember we're working with Mike Wheeler,
not Hanlon)


Bill: c-can we not have one beautiful m-moment in this house h-hold?

I looked behind Richie at mike, who was panting and clutching on to his jacket.

Eddie: mike, you need to

Mike: I need you baby. I never cheated and I would never hurt you. We should be together right now, and that kiss just opened my eyes....
Sunshine... please

I hate when he calls me that... "sunshine"..... he knows it's my weakness...

Eddie: mike...

Richie spun 360 on his heels and took a step towards mike. He got in his face and whispered in a low voice that I could barely hear.

Richie: wheeler, if you know what's good for you, you will fucking leave.

Mike: I made the mistake of letting him leave last time... it's not happening again. I will fight for him.

Richie leaned back and I heard that familiar chuckle. The same one when he beat the shit out of Henry. I grabbed his hand and laced our fingers, gently rubbing circles on the back of his hand.

Eddie: bubba... come here...

He walked back to me, but kept his eyes on mike until he was fully in my arms. He hugged me tightly and turned both of us so that he could face mike.

Stan: mike, I think you should go—

Mike: no Stanley! You said so yourself! You don't think they should date, so why are you protecting him?!

Our attention now turned to Stan. Bill gave him an angry look and crossed his arms

Bill: you d-don't think Richie and e-Eddie should date?

Stan: maybe. But that doesn't mean Mike should date him either.

Richies arms loosened and he faced Stan

Richie: if it's not me, and not mike... then who do you think should date him?

Stans cheeks became red and he crossed his arms.

Stan: this isn't even about me!

Bill: I'm curious t-too Stan. who sh-should be dating our Eddie?

Stan huffed and rolled his eyes

Stan: someone who doesn't fight over him like a piece of meat! Someone who treats him like a human and takes care of him!

Richie stepped out of my reach and was now targeting Stan

Richie: and I'm guessing that person is you, huh?

They both leveled up to each other and I could tell that Stan was letting loose, ready to fight, and most likely win.

Stan: Id sure treat him better than you do Tozier.

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