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We all settled down in Stans room to have one of those late night talks. The ones that happen at 3am and everyone is too loopy to take anything serious.

I sat in Richies lap, leaning my back against his chest as he tapped his finger on my thigh. Ben and Bev dozed off on Stans huge bean bag. Stan and Bill sat side by side on his bed, bill lazily resting his head on Stans shoulder. Mike laid on the edge of the bed

Bill: how l-long has is been since y-you moved here Rich?

Richie: about a month now. And I've been fucking eddies mom each night

I was too tired to elbow him for the comment. I just rolled my eyes and told him to "be quiet".

Mike: woah, you guys, have like, been together for a whole month

Eddie: more like three weeks. But basically yeah

Stan: it's already almost the end of football season

Eddie: and just the beginning of soccer season

Mike: What was your old school like Richie?

Richies fingers stopped drumming and I walked my fingers into his hand. Mike,Ben, and Bev have no idea about what Richie did.

Richie: kind of shitty. I had like no friends but tons of thirsty girls following me

Stan: that's hard to believe

Richie: I did! I can't even count how many girls I was with!

I pulled my hand away from his and got off his lap to look back at him

Eddie: you better stop right there

Richie: what?

Eddie: I don't want to hear about how many girls you fucked!

Richie: oh come on spaghetti man. I'm sure you've had plenty of lovers

Mike "ooo" 'd and Stan whispered to Richie to shut up.

Eddie: so.

Richie: tell me about it, we'll have to eventually

Eddie: Fine. You go first.

Richie: to be honest, all my hook ups were nameless. This is the only relationship I've been in.

Eddie: were you at least safe when you did "it"?

Richie: duh I'm not stupid. Now tell me about your ex's

Bill: I don't th-think that's a good idea...

Stan: Yeah, just drop it Richie

Richie: is it that bad?

I looked down at my hands and sighed. I guess we will have to talk about it eventually

Eddie: if you want to know so bad, then fine. But we don't say his name. We'll call him "M"

Richie: Okay, go on

I glanced at Stan and Bill, who knew the story already.

Eddie: I started dating this guy in freshmen year. He was really sweet and funny. He was my first kiss, he took me to my first school dance... he was my first for almost everything. We stayed together until the end of sophomore year because a rumor went around that M and Jane Hopper fucked behind my back. He said they were just rumors but I couldn't take the chance. So I broke it off and he moved away over summer. He was my first real relationship. He was the one... or so I thought. I was gonna give him my V-card for Christ sake... He... he was my someone—

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