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It was an average Saturday night. I sat on my bed wearing a pastel pink sweater,black short-shorts, and my round silver reading glasses as I read a novel.

My room was lit with scented candles and my orange lava lamp that gave my room a pastel orange hue.

I flipped to my next page and just as I read the first line, my window opened. A clumsy Richie Tozier came through my window and landed on my carpeted floor with a thud

Eddie: what the hell are you doing here?! It's 3am!

I put my book down and helped him get up from the floor. He looked down at me and blood dripped from his nose and landed on his white shirt that seemed to be stained with something else.

Richie: i needed to get away

I sat him down on my bed and grabbed a tissue. I wadded it up and wiped off his upper lip before holding it below his nose

Eddie: stay here, I'll get a wash cloth

I ran to the bathroom and when I came back I had a warm damp washcloth and glass of water. He smiled at me as I entered the room and sat next to him.

He had dried blood on his temple that I gently wiped off.

Eddie: what happened to you?

Richie: nothing

Eddie: really? the blood on your face tells me otherwise...

I put the washcloth down and threw away the bloody tissue. When I sat down I got a smell of him

Eddie: pew! why do you smell like alcohol?!

He sighed and gestured at his stained shirt

Richie: because I got it on my clothes?

His voice was low and shaky. He didn't seem to want to talk about it so I pushed my questions aside. Besides, he didn't seem drunk so I'm guessing the alcohol wasn't his

Eddie: want to stay here?

He looked at me and gave me a half smile

Richie: yes please

Eddie: okay, but you have to change out of those clothes

I went to my closet and looked through my clothes. My jeans couldn't possibly fit him so I went with what I could find. I handed them to him and he raised an eyebrow

Richie: no way in hell am I wearing this

Eddie: you have to! you don't have many options...

He huffed and went into the closet.

Eddie: does it fit?

Richie: no fucking way. I'm not wearing it

Eddie: but does it fit?

he stepped out and i couldn't help but giggle. he was wearing a pair of my black shorts
(the very short ones) and one of my maroon Derry High School
T-shirts. And since i'm smaller than him, those shorts were way too short. i could practically see the hem of his boxer briefs

Eddie: you look.... great?

I burst out in laughter and he glared at me.

Richie: Okay very fucking funny. But don't lie, I make it look good

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