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🌻drink up🌻

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I laid back on Eddies bed as I watched him comb his hair and get ready for the party. He was wearing his varsity jacket, which made him look adorable.

Eddie: don't you need to get ready too?

Richie: Nope, it's just a dumb party

Eddie: it's not "just a dumb party". everyone at school goes to these things.

Richie: I don't care. It's not like I'm trying to impress anyone

He turned to me from his vanity and glared

Eddie: I'm not trying to impress anyone

Richie: I never said you were??

He rolled his eyes and I smirked at my short best friend

Richie: can we go now? We're already 30 minutes late

He sighed and ran his fingers though his hair one last time.

Eddie: Okay, but don't let me drink. I want to stay clean tonight

Richie: I'll stay sober with you then. Too bad I don't get to see drunk Eddie though...

He giggled and we went out to my car. He directed me to Max's house that was in a suburban neighborhood. Teens were in the front yard with solo cups and trash littered the lawn. Neon lights burst through the windows and I could here the pop music ring throughout the house.

Eddie led me inside to the living room where everyone was dancing and having fun. I sat on the couch and he crossed his arms

Eddie: What do you think your doing?

Richie: sitting

Eddie: you have to dance! It's a party

I shook my head and he rolled his eyes. He walked off and began dancing in the crowd. I kept my eyes on him as he danced with random people and swung his hips in a way that I didn't think was possible. He looked incredibly cute

Bev: hey, didn't know you were coming

Bev sat next to me with a cup of punch in her hand.

Richie: I'm just here with Eddie

She nodded and squinted at me

Bev: are you really homophobic?

Richie: what? No!

She gestured towards Eddie, with her cup

Bev: he seems to think so

I looked at him and he was now dancing with a boy with bleach blonde hair

Bev: are you gay, Richie?

Richie: no. I'm not.

Bev: then you need to stop leading Eddie on. He's sensitive

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