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The smell of bacon filled the house as I skipped downstairs. I sat in my spot at the table as my mom served me breakfast. I thanked her and she sat across from me

Sonia: you'll never believe what Maggie from next door told me!

Eddie: oh? What she say?

Sonia: turns out her son, that boy you hang out with all the time, is a fag

My eyes squinted at the word. I put my fork down and she continued talking

Sonia: what a shame...he really was a nice boy

Eddie: just because he's gay doesn't mean he's not nice

Sonia: your too young to understand. If you asked me, he's confused

I looked up at her with furrowed eyebrows as she continued to cut into her pancake.

Eddie: or... he knows who he is and he's not afraid to show it

Sonia: I don't want you around him Eddie bear... wouldn't want it to rub off on you—

Eddie: ma! Stop it! There's nothing wrong with him!

Sonia: being a fag is just as bad as having a disease Edward.

Eddie: so then your saying I'm a disease?

She finally looked up at me with narrowed eyes

Sonia: what are you saying?

Eddie: ma'.... I'm gay. I like boys. I have for a while. And guess who I'm gay with? Richie fucking Tozier! And no, he didn't make me that way, I did it for myself. I know who I'm suppose to be, and I'm not a disease.

I stood up and walked away, turning back only once to see her blank face.

I ran up to my room and picked up the landline. I dialed Richies number with shaky fingers and anxiously waited for it to stop ringing. He picked up with a "hello" and I smiled

Eddie: hey bubba, you busy?

Stan: this is Stan, Eddie... Richie is at work at the cafe

I sighed and lowered my head

Eddie: oh

Stan: are you okay? You need me to come get you?

I smiled and sat down on my bed.

Eddie: sure

Stan: I'll be there in 10

I hung up and went to my closet. I threw on skinny jeans and a pastel sweater, then combed my fingers through my hair. It's just Stan, I don't need to look good

I walked down my staircase and halted as my mom stood at the front door

Sonia: we need to talk

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