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🌻drunk love🌻

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— Richie —

Our hands swung effortlessly back and forth. We walked along the sidewalk in complete comfort.

Sure we got a few strange looks, but the only person I could care about was Eddie

Eddie: so where are we going?

Richie: it's a surprise date

Eddie: I hate surprises, they make me anxious

I smiled and pulled him closer to my side by his waist.

Richie: well this is a good surprise, I promise

He nodded and leaned his head on my shoulder. We got to my planed destination and I opened the door for him. It was the cafe I worked at on most days, the first place we ever talked

Eddie: oooo! I love this place

Richie: do you know why I brought you here?

We went to the back of the cafe and I pulled out his seat for him. He shook his head no and leaned on the table. I sat down and grabbed one of his hands

Richie: this is the first place we talked, remember?

Eddie: oh year! And you wrote "cutie" on my cup!

I chuckled and rubbed my thumb over his knuckle

Richie: Yep, and you're still a cutie

Eddie: Wait, have you always liked me? Like in a crush way?

Richie: not at first... but I knew that you were the most adorable boy I've ever seen.

His cheeks turned crimson and he looked down at the table top

Eddie: I think I've always had a little crush on you...

Richie: Aw... that makes this even better...

Two hands pounded on the window next to us and we both jumped to see Henry and Victor laughing. Victor made kissy noises and Henry mouthed "I'm watching you" as he pointed at his eyes then to me. I flipped him off and they left

Eddie: fucking hell... they can't just leave us alone...

I put my hand on his cheek and looked into his sparkling hazel eyes

Richie: Don't worry about them... I'm here

He smiled and then his phone buzzed on the table. He looked at it and read it aloud

Eddie: "having a sleepover while the folks are gone, bring trash mouth if you want" Stan

He put his phone down and shrugged

Eddie: do you want to go?

Richie: sure, but after our date and after I call you beautiful at least 20 times

He giggled crossed his arms over his chest

Eddie: I'm not "beautiful"

Richie: don't say that

Eddie: why?

Richie: because you're the most beautiful boy I've ever met. And the fact that you can't see that is shitty.

He huffed and I held up my fingers to count the reasons why he is so beautiful

Richie: your smile is adorable, your eyes sparkle when you talk about your passions, your so small I can spin you around and kiss your adorable cheeks, your hair is gorgeously fluffy, your skin is soft and golden, and last of all... dat ass is poppin

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