Chapter 1

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Monica's POV

My name is Monica Taylor, I am 16 years old and I live in Sydney, Australia. I live with my mum and dad, I'm an only child and my best friend is Luke Hemmings.

"Luke give me my shoe back, you bastard" I shouted while chasing Luke through my house, I heard him laughing and then he stopped running. "Give me my shoe" I said, he chuckled and handed me back my converse, I slipped it on, "Okay let's go now" Luke said grabbing my arm and pulling me outside.

"What film do you want to go see?" Luke asked, "The fault in our stars, we have to see it Luke!" I practically begged, "Sure, anything for you" he said laughing, "You're the bestest friend ever" I said smiling as we got into the car and Luke drove towards the cinema.


"I can't believe we have to go back to school" I said, "I know! It's like we haven't even had a holiday" Luke stated, "I know! Now drive, we don't want to be late on our first day back" I said laughing as Luke drove towards our school.

We pulled up at the place I like to call hell, but others call it school, and went straight to the main office to get our new timetable for the year, "What have you got first?" I asked Luke who was scanning over the sheet of paper in front of him, "Gym" Luke said, "Me too, I don't have my gym clothes though" I said, "Same, I don't imagine much people will have theirs" he said, I nodded as we made our way to the gym hall where we were made sit on the benches along with many other people who didn't have their gym clothes.

I finally made it to lunch, I was walking through the hallways, on my way to the canteen, when I felt someone grab my bum, I gasped and turned around and saw Ashton Irwin, he was on the school football team and every girl thought he was a god, i'll admit I have a small crush on him, but so does every girl I know, he was really good looking, "Can I help you?" I asked, "You could, the bathrooms are just around the corner" he said with a smirk on his face, I felt my face turn bright red as people began to stare at us, "I, uh, I didn't mean like that-" I said, stuttering over my words and looking down at my black school shoes.

I suddenly looked up and was startled when I saw his face directly above mine, I felt my face flush even redder and saw his smirk grow wider, "You're Monica, right?" he asked, "Yes, and you're Ashton" I said, "Yeah" he said, "Ash, c'mon mate we have practice" someone yelled, "I'll see you later, babe" he said quietly before walking away, leaving me flabbergasted.

What the hell just happened?

I continued my postponed journey to the canteen and sat in my usual seat, next to Luke.

"What took you so long?" Luke asked, staring at me before looking away to eat his food, I began looking at what Luke had gotten me, "I was walking down the hallway and Ashton Irwin grabbed my ass and I turned around and asked if I could help him and he made a perverted comment about how the bathrooms were just around the corner and then I told him I didn't mean it like that and then he said 'you're Monica, right?' and I said 'yeah and you're Ashton' and then someone shouted on him and he said to me he'll see me later and he called me babe" I said, someone flashed through Luke's eyes, jealousy? No it can't be, why would Luke be jealous?

"Oh, well I got you chicken pasta cause I know it's your favourite" he said, quickly changing the subject, I smiled, "Thank you Luke" I said, he smiled before he started eating his own lunch, both of us occasionally making small talk about our classes and how we have been enjoying them so far, we didn't have much classes together this year, only gym, music and biology.

"I'll meet you at my car after school" Luke said, I nodded, "Bye Luke" I said smiling, "Bye Monica" he said smiling back as we headed in different directions. I was headed to history, I absolutely loved history, it was one of my favourite subjects.

I made it to the class around the same time as most other students, and made my way inside, sitting at a desk near the back, one of my friends, Molly, made her way over and sat in the seat in front of me, "Hey Molly, how have you been?" I asked, she turned around and smiled, "Great, how about you? I heard what happened at lunch with Ashton Irwin" she said giggling, I felt my cheeks go red at the thought, "Yeah, that was--something" I said laughing awkwardly, she chuckled, "So how did it feel having his big hands grab your ass?" she asked laughing, "I don't really know, I didn't get time to enjoy it, I was too busy being embarrassed" I said laughing, she giggled loudly enforce rambling on about some new hand bag she got.

Before she even had time to tell me about how her mum wasn't going to get her them, someone sat next to me, I turned around and saw Ashton, he smiled at me and I smiled back, and turned back to Molly who had turned around and started talking to the boy next to her, Calum I think his name was.

"So, babe, can I have your number?" Ashton asked, "Uh, sure" I said, telling him my number and watching as he typed into his phone, "Thanks" he said, winking at me just as the teacher walked through the doors, "Sorry I'm late everyone, I was held up at a meeting" he said smiling at us all, "I am Mr Dali and I'm your new history teacher, I don't mind you all sitting in the seats you have chosen, so these will be your seats for the rest of this year, unless I move anyone" he said as he began his lesson.

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