Chapter 21

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Monica's POV

"What do you want Ashton?" I asked, "To ask if you've thought about being friends?" Ashton said smiling widely, I giggled a little as I looked at his goofy smile, "I guess so, but you gotta buy Luke and I a McDonald's as a peace offering. Luke will have a cheese burger kids meal and i'll have a double cheeseburger and chips and we'll both have a chocolate milkshake and I expect it at my house at five tonight" I said giggling.

"Okay, deal" Ashton said, "Seriously?" I said, he nodded, "Okay deal" I said, "Don't actually get me a kids meal, get me the same as Monica" Luke said laughing, Ashton laughed and nodded, "I would have anyway" Ashton said, maybe this would work out.


"Ashton actually is coming with a McDonald's in his hands" I said to Luke while giggling, "As much of a dick he was, he sure does keep to his word" Luke said, "I don't think he's a dick now he's dropped that Meghan from his friend list" I said giggling as I answered the door, "Thank you, friend. You can join us if you want to" I said offering him to come in, "Its alright, I don't want to intrude on you two" Ashton said, "What do you mean?" I asked giggling, "Well I figured you two were, you know, dating now?" he asked, "No. I'm not moving on that fast. Why does everyone assume that" I grumbled, "Are you coming in or not?" I asked, "Yeah, whatever" he said walking in.

We all walked to the dining room and Luke had his phone out, he was texting someone.

He sat his phone down and looked up.

"So I hear you play drums Ashton?" Luke said, I looked at him, I knew where this was going.

Was Luke really this willing to forgive Ashton so fast, for his band?

"Yeah, did Monica tell you?" Ashton asked, "Yeah, so Michael, Calum and I were talking, and we wanted to know of you'd like to be in our band? We need a drummer" Luke said, Ashton's eyes lit up, I smiled, "You really want me to be in your band after everything I've put you through?" He said, Luke sighed, "Yeah" he said, "Yeah i'll be in your band" Ashton said.

"Super! What's your number and we'll add you to our group chat" Luke said, "Hang on, I wanna be in this group chat" I spoke up, "You can't, it's band members only" Luke said, "I bet its 'cause you all talk about boobs and other things like that. I bet there's only like one band related conversation" I said, "Oh yeah, we talk about who we think has the biggest boobs in our year" Luke said, I giggled, "You won the competition" he added, "Asshole. How do you all even know how big my boobs actually are?" I asked, my eye brows raised.

"When our full year went to the beach and you were in a bikini" Luke said, "You're all gross. Imagine looking at girls boobs, especially your best friends" I said, "Hey! You have big boobs, we can't help it" Luke said, "Yeah you do have big boobs" Ashton said, well this just got awkward.

"You two are gross. I don't want in your group chat anymore" I said giggling, "Good" Luke said typing away on his phone, probably adding Ashton to the chat, "No wait I do, i'll feel so left out and scared incase you're talking about my boobs again" I said giggling, "Fine, but don't blame me if you're grossed out. Michael and Calum are disgusting" Luke said adding me, I giggled and pulled my phone out.

"First band practice with Ashton is tomorrow, do you have a drum kit?" Luke asked Ashton, he nodded, "I also have a garage where we could practice whenever" he said, "Super, we'll bring our stuff to yours tomorrow then" Luke said, "Yeah, is one okay?" Ashton asked, Luke nodded, "Well I gotta get going, bye" Ashton said leaving.

"You really do gross me out, I'm never wearing a bikini or just a bra anytime I'm near you again" I stated while giggling, "Damn it" Luke said laughing.


"This is his house" I said as Luke stopped the car, I was here for their first band practice together for moral support.

And to stop any arguments that may occur.

"It's this one" I said, I helped Luke and Michael with their things, Calum was making his own way here he said, we walked up to the door and knocked, Ashton's mum answers, "Hi Anne Marie, is Ashton there?" I asked smiling, she looked at me warily before calling Ashton down, he invited us in and lead us to the garage, from the inside of the building, where Calum was already sitting.

"Monica can you come here a second" Anne Marie called, I was confused, "Uh, sure, be right there" I called back, I looked at Ashton who just shrugged his shoulders.

I made my way back upstairs into the kitchen where Anne Marie was sitting.

"I don't want to be blunt, but why are you here?" she asked, I was taken back, realisation must have hut her as her facial expression changed, "Oh god! I don't mean as in you're not welcome, you know you're welcomed whenever. I mean after what Ashton done to you, why are you here?" she said, I sighed and nodded, "Ashton's my friend now, I forgave him and now he's in the boys' band and well Luke is my best friend" I said, she nodded, "I thought you maybe didn't know what Ashton had done, I can't believe he did that to you! You're a lovely young lady and he just did that to you" she said, I smiled, "I've moved on" I said, "Okay, i'll let you get back to them down there" she said chuckling. "Bye" I said walking down to where the boys where playing teenage dirtbag.

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