Chapter 12

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Monica's POV

It had been a week.

I hadn't gone to school.

I hadn't came out of my room.

My mum, dad and the teachers thought I was sick.

The rest of the school thought I was too embarrassed about the whole virgin thing getting out.

The truth?

Well I was a wreck.

My hair was greasy. I needed a shower. I had wore the same pyjamas for a week. I was ignoring Luke and Ashton's calls and texts.

I hadn't been eating lately.

I just couldn't find myself any energy to get out of my room.

The only time I would eat is in the morning when my mum brought me breakfast and in the evening when she brought me something else.

She just thought it was because I was 'sick'.

It was actually because I didn't feel hungry, nor did I care about eating.

I still hadn't chose who I wanted to.

Quite frankly, I didn't want to have to make a choice.

Who are they to make me choose who I want to keep in my life?

Either way I lose an important person.

I can't deal with the pain of losing any of them.

But I know I have to choose.

And it has to be tonight.

My mum is making me go back to school tomorrow.

I'll have to deal with everything then.

I'll have to deal with everyone saying stuff about me being a Virgin, which I honestly saw nothing wrong with, but apparently everyone else does.

I'll have to deal with Luke and Ashton.

I'll have to deal with teachers.

And i'll have to deal with all these feeling inside of me.

Who should I choose?

What happens if I choose Luke?

I lose Ashton. The best boyfriend I've ever had. The one to pick me up when I feel down. He makes me feel so special, like I'm the only girl in the world. Like Im the only girl he's ever dated. Like I mean everything to him.

What happens if I choose Ashton?

I lose Luke. The best friend I've ever had. My best friend since I was like two. The one who's always been there for me. Through every break up, every fight, every guy trying to get to me. He's been with me through everything. And I couldn't ask for a better best friend than him.

But if I choose Luke then this will happen all over again.

This exact thing will happen when I get into another serious relationship.

Luke will get jealous.

I'll have to choose again.

If I choose Ashton then it's over.

No more choosing between boyfriends and best friends.

No more over protective best friend.

But, no more Luke.

I was so confused.

Luke's POV

"Fuck off Luke mate, she's going to pick me" Ashton spat, "As if 'mate', I've known her since I was two years old. I've grew up with her. You've known her for a week" I spat back, "Yeah? And I've had more action from her than you'll ever get" he spat before walking away, "Dick" I yelled as I walked the other way.

I just want this over with already.

I hope she chooses me.

Why wouldn't she?

I treat her so much better than him.

I respect her way more.

I actually care for her.

I'm always there for her.

Ashton's just a dick to her.

He's just playing with her.

Yet she's too blind too see the truth.

She never sees the truth in anyone.

She just sees what she wants to see.

Monica's POV

My mum drove me to school the next day. "Bye honey, just come home if you feel sick, love you" she said, I nodded and smiled, "Love you too" I said before exiting the car.

I walked through the hallways to my locker, I opened it and three notes fell out, I picked them up.

'Hahahaha virgin' one read.

'Wanna get together and ill take ur virginity?' Another read.

'I can't believe you've been with Ashton Irwin a week and you're still a Virgin' the last one read.

I sighed and threw them in the bin. I felt someone's presence behind me and turned to see Ashton and Luke, I inhaled a deep breath.

"Who have you chose?" Ashton said, looking at Luke in disgust.

I couldn't handle this.

I looked at the both of them, "I, uh, I, I don't know" I stuttered, "Come on Monica, just chose" Ashton said, I closed my eyes and breathed.

"Im sorry, I, I, Im choosing Ashton" I said quietly.

"You're choosing Ashton?" Luke said in disbelief, I nodded

"Just answer this question, Monica, why him?" Luke asked, hurt, betrayal, jealousy, sadness, everything, clear in his eyes, I felt terrible.

"This will just continue happening Luke. If I chose you then I would have to choose again the next time I get into a relationship. I can't do this anymore" I said as the tears fell freely down my face, Ashton pulled me into his chest and wiped my tears away.

"Are you okay?" he asked, "No" I answered truthfully.

Have I done the right thing?

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