Chapter 14

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Monica's POV

"I'm gonna head home now babe" Ashton said, "Okay see you tomorrow" I said, "Bye" he said pecking my lips and heading downstairs and outside.

I sat on my bed and pulled out my phone. I had a text from Molly.

From Molly: I heard what happened between u, Luke and Ashton. wanna go for a McDonald's and talk about it?

To Molly: yes please. can you pick me up?

From Molly: yeah. just leaving now

I smiled and put my shoes on before grabbing money from my purse and shoving it in my pocket along with my phone.

I heard the horn beep outside and walked to the door, calling a quick goodbye to my mum and dad before walking out to the car where Molly was sitting waiting for me.

"Are you alright?" she asked, "No, I'm not one bit alright" I said truthfully, "Tell me everything" she said and I did just that.

I told her how I was feeling.

I told her how terrible I felt for choosing Ashton over Luke.

I also told her why I chose Ashton.

I told her how I wish I didn't have to choose.

I told her how much I wish I could have them both.

I told her about Ashton going on holiday with Meghan Williams.

I told her everything.

And she totally agreed with me.

"That is so bad" she said, "I know, I miss Luke so much. But I couldn't go near him, not after what I done. He wouldn't even look at me" I said sighing, "Everything will work out in the end" she reassured as we finished eating our food.

"Yeah. I hope so" I said as we went back to her car and she dropped me off home.

"Thank you Molly" I said, "Anytime Monica" she said smiling as I walked up my path and into the house.

"Honey can I talk to you?" my mum asked, I nodded and followed her into the sitting room.

"Honey, what's going on between you and Luke?" she asked. "I know it's none of my business, but I hate seeing you this upset" she added, I sighed and decided to tell her.

"Luke and Ashton don't like each other and then they made me choose between them and I chose Ashton, but I kind of wish I chose Luke, but then again I don't. Im so confused mum" I said, she pulled me into a hug, "Life has so many ways of making you feel confused, take this as a sign you and Luke need time apart maybe, you have been together for like fourteen years or something. Give him some space and he might come around" she said smiling, "You give the best advice ever mum" I said, "Im gonna go in the shower" I added as I headed upstairs into the bathroom.


Today was the day Ashton left for his holiday. It was only a week away in Melbourne, but it was still a holiday.

I had went through hell for the past two weeks.

I had Meghan constantly annoying me about going away with Ashton.

I had Luke constantly staring at me from a distance.

I had Ashton being clingy and still slapping my ass when I walked past him.

I had Michael not even looking at me.

I had Molly.

Molly was the only one actually acting like my friend. She was the only one who actually didn't change with me after the whole thing.

She was the only one who didn't treat me different.

"Bye babe, see you on Saturday" Ashton said kissing me, "Bye Ashton. Have fun" I said smiling at him. "I'll miss you" I added, "Yeah i'll miss you too" he said kissing me again as he left with his mum, Meghan's parents and Meghan, who was giving me an evil smirk.

What did she have planned?

I sighed and made my way home, sulking in my room.

I had a full week off of school.

Molly was somewhere in Britain with her family. She was half British and spent whatever holidays she got there.

Ashton was in Melbourne with his mum and that bitch.

Luke and I aren't speaking.

Michael and I aren't speaking.

I have no one.

And I have a week to do absolutely nothing.

"Mum can I have money to go to McDonald's?" I asked, "Uh, check my purse" she said, I went, "There's a ten dollar bill" I said, "Take that then" she said smiling, "Thank you" I said walking out of the house and walking the ten minute walk to McDonald's.

I bumped into someone, "Shit, sorry" I said looking up, "Hey! You're Ashton's girl aren't you?" he asked, I knew his face, but what was his name?


"Yeah, you're Calum aren't you? Please say you are or this would be so awkward" I said giggling, "Yeah I'm Calum" he said laughing, "Where are you going alone?" he asked, "McDonald's" I said, "Do you mind some company?" he asked, "Not at all" I said smiling as we went to McDonald's.

"So you, Luke and Michael are in a band?" I asked, he nodded, "Luke always told me he loved singing, I never thought he took it serious though" I said, "He doesn't, none of us do, Michael is the worst for it" he said laughing, I giggled, "That sounds like Michael" I said, "How are they doing?" I asked, "Great. I think. Michael brings you up a lot though, and then Luke goes in moods with him and they argue over you a lot" he said.

"Oh" I managed to choke out.

"Do you think Luke misses me?" I asked, "I think he does. I think Michael does too" Calum said, I nodded.

He doesn't miss me.

Why would he miss me?

I am such a terrible friend.

I chose my boyfriend over my best friend.

I chose someone I knew for a week over someone I knew for fourteen years.

I am such a bad person.

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