Chapter 28

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Monica's POV

"Monica we should go out tonight, just the two of us" Luke said, "Yeah, we haven't been out in while" I said, "No sex, we don't want to hear it" Michael said, "Michael shut up, like you've never had sex before" I said giggling, "Go and get dressed then and meet me back here in two hours" Luke said pecking my lips, "Fancy or casual?" I asked, "Fancy, but not over the top" Luke said, I smiled and nodded and skipped into the bunks where Ashton was sitting.

"Hey ash" I said smiling, "Hey Monica, what are you doing?" Ashton asked, "Getting ready, Luke and I are going out tonight" I said, "Don't be--" I cut him off, "Not one sex joke Ashton" I said giggling, "Okay! I'll leave you to get ready and whatnot" he said leaving the room.

I went to my drawer and searched for the fanciest clothes I owned, my outfits didn't consist of fancy clothes, all I ever wore was black skinny jeans and band t shirts, sometimes a black skater skirt or some denim shorts, but mostly black skinny jeans.

I found a cute little black skater dress, I decided I would wear that, it was fancy but it wasn't over the top, just like Luke said.

I slipped off my sweats and one of the boys' t shirts and changed my underwear to black ones, I had underwear OCD, my underwear had to match the colour of clothes I was wearing, and the underwear had to match.

I slipped on the dress and smiled, it fit perfectly, it was low cut, but not too low cut that it showed off anything, and it went to about mid thigh or longer.

I brushed through my hair and quickly straightened some of it, I washed my face and brushed my teeth before applying my usual make up, I went back and sat on the bunks, texting Molly.

To Molly: hey Molly! it's been almost a week, what's up?

She replied instantly.

From Molly: nothing's up. I've just been really busy with work. I can't believe I've finally finished school! What about you?

To Molly: yeah same, nothing new. I'm going out with Luke tonight but that's about as exciting as it goes haha, gotta go, see ya when I get home

From Molly: have fun ;) see ya then

I looked at the time and sure enough it had been almost two hours, I skipped out to the sitting room thing of the tour bus and looked for Luke, "Where's Luke?" I asked, frowning when I noticed he wasn't there, "You look lovely Monica, follow me" Michael said, "Excuse me?" I said, "Why do you think everything I say has a sexual meaning in it, Luke told me to take you to where he is" Michael said, I giggled, "Oh, right, lets go" I said, he chuckled as I followed him outside.

"Okay, go, Luke's waiting over there for you, and spoiler alert, he's got you spaghetti to eat" Michael said, I giggled, "Thank you Michael" I said leaving the car and making my way over to Luke.

"Hey Luke" I said greeting him with a kiss, "Hey beautiful, you look very beautiful tonight, as always" Luke said, I giggled, "Thank you Luke" I said as he took my hand and lead me into the restaurant, "I already ordered for you" he said, Michael was right, it was spaghetti, "Yeah I know, Michael ruined it for me" I said giggling, "He's an asshole" Luke said chucking, "I know" I said giggling.

"I can't believe the only reason he became friends with us was because you had boobs" Luke said, I giggled, "I know! I can't even believe that" I said, "I know he's our best mate and everything and I do trust him, but I want to ask anyway, he hasn't, you know, tried anything with you, has he?" Luke said, looking deadly serious.

"Are you for real?" I asked, he nodded, "Of course not Luke! I know Michael may seem like a bit of a....weirdo, but he would never do that, he's only having a laugh Luke" I said, "I know, it's just, I never used to get the beautiful girl, I never used to get the nice one, it was always Michael, and now, I have you and I want to make sure he hasn't tried anything" Luke said, I smiled and leaned over the table, attaching my lips to Luke's, Luke pulled back for a second, "You're mine" he mumbled, I nodded, "Say it" he said, "What?" I asked, "Say that you're mine" he mumbled, "Im yours Luke, all yours" I said smiling again, "Say it again" he said, I pulled back even more, "Why Luke?" I asked, "I never get tired of hearing it" he said, I giggled, "Im yours Luke, I'm your girl Luke, only yours, no one else can have me 'cause I'm yours Luke, just yours and I love you and I'm yours and you're mine" I said giggling, "Happy?" I asked, he nodded and kissed me again, "Very" he said pulling back.

"I love you so very much right now" I said as I finished my food, I 'accidentally' burped and giggled after doing so, Luke was chuckling, "I love you very much too, even if you're very unlady like" Luke said chuckling, causing me to giggle.

"Come on, let's get back" Luke said, "Okay, thank you for tonight, I enjoyed it" I said smiling, "I always enjoy spending time with you" I added, "I enjoy spending time with you too, even when you burp loudly when we're on dates" Luke said, I giggled and kissed him, he pulled back, "Let's go" he said joining our arms as we walked to the car.

We got back to the bus and walked inside where the other three were sitting, "Hey guys" I said, "Hey" they all chorused, I giggled and went to change into my sweats and t shirt, wiping all my make up off and tying my hair into a bun before walking out and plopping myself of the couch, watching spondgebob with the others.

What a great way to end the night.

-I have a good idea....I think-

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