Chapter 37

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Monica's POV

"Let me put her to bed, Monica, you do it every night, have a break" Luke said, I smiled, "Are you sure?" I asked, "Yes Monica" he said kissing me lightly, I smiled as I walked to the door of my room and stood watching Luke with Amelia.

He was so good with her.

It was so cute to watch them together.

I watched at Luke held Amelia in his arms, rocking her back and forth, humming a song, but when that didn't work he began singing to her.

Sing me to sleep, I'll see you in my dreams,

Waiting to say, "I miss you. I'm so sorry."

Forever's never seemed so long as when you're not around

It's like a piece of me is missing.

I could have learned so much from you but what's left now?

Don't you realize you shot this family a world of pain?

Can't you see there could have been a happy ending we let go?

Sing me to sleep, I'll see you in my dreams,

Waiting to say, "I miss you. I'm so sorry."

Sing me to sleep.

Sing me to sleep.

Sing me to sleep.

"I promise you baby girl, I won't let anyone hurt you or your mummy, I won't ever let anyone take you away from me and your mummy 'cause we love you so much baby. I love you and your mummy more than anything and I know I'm young and I'm a bit immature and that but I will be the best daddy I can and i'll try my best for you and your mummy, I promise." Luke spoke softly, bouncing slowly, trying to get Amelia to sleep, I felt tears in my eyes and some roll down my face.

"I love you baby girl, and I love your mummy and we both love you so very much and we won't let anyone hurt you 'cause you're our baby and you ways will be" he spoke again, and finally she was asleep, Luke placed her into her crib and I quickly scurried down the hall so he wouldn't see me.

"Monica, I meant what I said" Luke said, "What do you mean Luke?" I asked, trying to sound as if I wasn't listening to him, "I could hear you crying from where I was standing" he said chuckling, I giggled, "I couldn't help but watch you, you're so great with her" I said smiling, "I love you so much" he said kissing me, I pulled back for a second, "I love you too" I said before kissing him again.

I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have Luke.


"Liz and I were thinking" my mum said to Luke and I, "This can't be good' I said giggling, Michael, Ashton and Calum had took Amelia for the day, they insisted, and Luke and I decided if they promised to take care of her, then, why not?

"There's a house a few doors down from us and its for sale, how about you two get it? Its a perfect size for you, and it saves the hassle, and its only a few doors down from us" Liz said, Luke and I looked at each other.

"Don't you think we're a bit young to move in together?" I asked, "I think you're a bit young to be parents, but I think it's best if you do live together, its easier" my mum said, "Well, I guess" I said, "Sounds good" Luke said, "Great! We already put a deposit down for you" Liz said, "Mum! I have money from the band, you didn't have to do that" Luke said, "We did what we wanted to, Luke, you're not our dad, you don't decide what we do" Liz said, I giggled, "You can go get the keys today" my mum said.

"So this is really happening" I said as Luke and I walked into our new house, "I guess it is" he said, "We're only 17 and you have a world famous band, we have a baby girl and we're moving in together" I said giggling, "Yeah but it's alright" Luke said, I nodded as we looked around the empty place.

Five and a half hours and loads of carrying later, we had all of our stuff in the new house, we also had got stuff for the sitting room and everything was sorted.

We didn't bother with paint or decorations, it was fine the way it was.

Everything was in its place. Everything was perfect. It all fit perfectly. Everything had its own place. And everything was great.

I guess that advice my mum gave me over a year ago about everything working out in the end was right.

Everything did work out in the end.

Except this isn't the end.

This is only the beginning for us.

-short and sweet way to end the story. I was totally crying at the part with Luke singing and talking to Amelia, it was so cute-

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