Chapter 4

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Monica's POV

I sighed as I made my way downstairs, I had my backpack on my shoulder and my uniform on, my hair was straightened and my make up was done, I was ready to go. Luke wasn't. As usual.

Luke is late for absolutely everything.

You know how on wedding days the bride is supposed to be late? I bet Luke will be later than his bride.

"Finally, you take so long to do everything Luke" I said laughing as I made my way to his car, we both got in and made the usual journey to school, talking about everything and anything. As always.

"I'm gonna go get Ashton. Are you coming?" I asked, "Uh, no i'll just go get Michael or something" he said, half smiling, "Oh, okay. See you in gym" I said smiling as I made my way to where I told Ashton I would meet him.

We had five minutes before the bell went, and we spent it talking and kissing, mostly kissing though.

"So are you two, like a thing now?" Calum asked Ashton and I, "Well Ashton hasn't asked me out yet, so no" I said giggling, Ashton chuckled, "Well, Monica, will you go out with me?" Ashton asked smiling, "Sure" I said giggling again as I pecked his lips, just as I pulled back, the bell went, "Bye Ashton" I said pecking his lips again, "Bye beautiful" he called after me, I blushed and got to my class.

It got to gym class and I made my way to the girls changing lockers, and changed into my black shorts and white schools gym top, I was so glad I shaved my legs last night, I out on my converse and walked out to the gym hall, I saw Luke and Michael and walked up to them, "Hey Luke, hey Michael" I said smiling at them, "Hi Monica" Luke said, "So you and Ashton, ay?" Michael said smirking at me, "Well he asked me out this morning" I said blushing a little, "Awh! My little Monica is growing up!" Michael yelled, gaining a few stares from out fellow class mates, I started laughing as we were all called to the centre of the hall.

"Today we are playing football! It will be mixed genders! Hemmings! Clifford! You two are captains" the teacher yelled, "Actually that doesn't work for me, I don't plan on doing my today" Michael called out, the teacher sighed at Michael, I started laughing at Michael when the teacher turned to me, "Taylor! Do you find this immature, lazy boy funny?" he asked, I started giggling uncontrollably because Michael was making faces at me, "N-no sir" I said, failing to hold my giggles in anymore.

"Clifford! Taylor! detention at lunch today!" he yelled before choosing another captain, "Michael I hate you so much" I said still laughing, "Awh! I love you too Monica" he said laughing at me.

"Monica" I heard my name being called, I looked up and saw Luke had picked me, the other team chose someone else, then Luke picked Michael and then I didn't pay attention after that, Michael and I just continued to make each other laugh by tripling each other up, pushing each other into other people and continuously laughing.

"Taylor! Clifford! I will give you even longer detention if you don't quit the hilarity" the teacher yelled, we both instantly went quiet, but once he walked away we started laughing again.


"Michael you are such a bad influence on me" I said to Michael as we walked out of detention, "I am not! It was your fault in the first place" Michael said, "It was not! You're the one who told him you didn't plan on doing gym and then started making faces at me when I was getting shouted at for laughing at you" I said laughing, he chuckled as we made our way to the canteen.

"How was detention?" Luke asked, laughing, "Long and boring" I said, "Kind of like sex when it's not with someone you want it to be with" Michael said making me start giggling loudly again, "I can't say I've ever experienced that Mikey, but alright" Luke said laughing too.

I suddenly felt arms go around my waist from behind and I jumped, turning around to see Ashton standing there smirking, "Hey babe" he said, I smiled, "Hey Ashton" I said pecking his lips, "Where were you at the start of lunch?" he asked, sitting on the seat to my right, I had Luke on my left and Michael across from us, "Michael made us get detention" I said laughing, "How come?" he asked, "He's a dick and kept making me laugh when I was getting shouted at for laughing at him" I said giggling, "Your giggle is the cutest thing ever" Ashton said laughing, that just made me giggle even more, "I-cant-stop-giggling" I said through giggles.

I heard Luke sigh from next to me, but shrugged it off. I finally settled down, and just sat there, making small talk with Luke, Michael and Ashton.

"Babe, we have history" Ashton said as the bell went off, "Oh yeah, bye Luke, bye Michael" I said smiling, "I'll meet you at your car after school?" I asked Luke, who usually always said that to me, he always said 'meet me at my car after school, yeah?' but he never today.

"Yeah, whatever" Luke mumbled before walking away, "What crawled up his ass?" I said to Michael who just shrugged, "Bye Michael" I said smiling, "Bye Monica" he said as Ashton and I walked towards history.

"Bye ash, see you later, yeah?" I asked, "Yeah babe, what time?" I asked, "I don't know, probably about 5, come over just before 5" I said smiling as I have him a quick kiss and made my way to Luke's car where he was already seated, "Hey Luke, how was your last two periods?" I asked smiling at him, "Alright I suppose, you?" he asked, not looking interested, "Yeah same" I said sighing.

We pulled up to our street and both got out, "Hey Luke" I said, I had to know what was bothering him, "Yeah?" he asked, "What's bothering you?" I asked, "Nothing, why do you ask?" he lied, "I've known you for over ten fucking years Luke, I know when there's something wrong with you" I stated, "Oh, I just-I don't want you to get hurt by Ashton, I don't think he's good enough for you" he admitted, "I won't get hurt Luke! I really likeAshton, and I think he really likes me. It would mean a lot to me if you would stop being so grumpy around him" I said, he looked at me and something flashed in his eyes, something I had never seen before, "For me Luke? Please just don't scare him off" I said, "Okay, I won't, just for you,Monica, I don't like him though" he said, I sighed, "That will do" I said smiling.

I made my way to my house and went to change quickly, it was ready half past four, Ashton would be here in a half hour. I changed into black slimy jeans and a grey singlet, brushed my hair and fixed any smudges in my make up.

"Monica! Ashton's here" my mum yelled, I skipped downstairs and saw Ashton, I smiled and kissed him quickly, "Hey babe" he said, "Hi, I'm Lindsey" my mum said awkwardly behind us, "Oh! Hi! I'm Ashton" Ashton said, I chuckled as my mum lead us to the dining room where my da was already sat, "Dad, this is my boyfriend Ashton" I said, my dad looked up and stared at Ashton.

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