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No One POV

Taehyung can't stop himself from staring at the boy who's sitting in front of him in the class . That boy is Jeon jungkook . He was originally from the other class but got transferred here for some reason and that's when Taehyung noticed jungkook does exist

'He's so beautiful'

It's been 1 month since jungkook joined his class but he never approached him because he's scared . Jungkook got a lot of hates and malicious comments from the students because of his beautiful face . They said

'A boy with a girly face is disgusting'

That is Taehyung's weakness. He's scared to face the reality. He wants to be looked perfect in front of everyone. But

His heart says he wants jungkook really bad so Taehyung did everything just to get jungkook's heart . Jungkook is not an easy boy but yes Taehyung did it finally. He used various ways just to get jungkook and Jungkook finally fell in love with Taehyung too . Their relationship in the high school is a secret where no one knows but it's been

5 years now

and they live their lives as a couple till now . They live together in the capital city of korea .

Taehyung is a successful television announcer now just like the way he wants . Interviewing and talking with the guest of the day but things didn't turn that way for jungkook. He works behind the stage with the equipment just to work with his love Kim Taehyung but that was not originally his ambition. He sacrifices it for his loves Kim Taehyung . He loves him very much and his love to him never fades away even for a second. It remains the same

What makes things complicated is their workmates . They didn't know that a successful announcer is in a relationship with a low level staff in this industry entertainment . Taehyung wants to keep it as a secret because of his career . He loves his work very much to the point that he feels like sick if he skips his work .

Everyday they act just like stranger to each other in the work place . But jungkook always the first one who hands him a bottle of water after every show Taehyung was in .

That's why Taehyung loves jungkook a lot . But Taehyung doesn't know anything about what jungkook have been feeling all this time

Jungkook feels like he is his secret scandal . Jungkook got sad because of that but he's the type who will not get mad over this . He doesn't want Taehyung to get sad too . He knows how Taehyung loves his career a lot . He has to support him too as a good boyfriend

"Jungkook , you go home first i have something to talk with director about tomorrow's show" jungkook smiles at him

"Ok hyung . Do you want dinner or you will just eat outside?"

"Hmmmmm prepare me for the dinner i think this meeting with the director just take short time" jungkook nods as he went outside from the makeup room with his backpack cling onto his right shoulder

"Bye kookie!" One of the staffs nicely greeted him

"Bye see you tomorrow!"

As he walk straight to the bus stop waiting for the right bus to ride he feels so weird since it's his first time . Jungkook usually will ride Taehyung's car but this time they're not able to go home together just like they used to be . Why ? Because of work . Jungkook sighed and he feels someone sitting besides him while waiting for the bus

"Are you okay? You look like you just loss your boyfriend" this is rude but half true

"How did you know it was a boyfriend not a girlfriend?"

"Uhm your phone's wallpaper obviously"

"Ouhh..." right. Because i keep looking at my lock screen


"What ?"

"That's my name .. yoongi , you ?"

"aaaah sorry i was distracted.. call me jungkook"

He nods and we fell silence again no sounds coming out from our mouth and when i was about to talk

"That's my bus ! Bye jungkook i hope we will see each other again"

"Sure ! Bye yoongi"


"Yes kookie you did it !" I look at the delicious foods I prepared on the table . That were all Taehyung's favourite.

"He will like this"

I take off the spongebob designed apron and hung it at the original place . Walking my feet to the sofa laying comfortably on it while watching the television and the advertisement caught my eyes

'The next guest for the next week show is kang seulgi our famous actress nowadays ! Don't forget to watch her to know more about her personality and her cute sides!'

"Cute my ass . I'm more cuter than her obviously"

Less than an hour jungkook fell asleep on the sofa with the tv still on their channel while waiting for Taehyung

But Taehyung doesn't come home

This book will hurt my baby a lot . Author is sorry

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