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3 days later

"So are you saying there was someone behind this ?" Taehyung asked hyung won the one who he ordered to find out about jungkook's villagers

"Yes sir , i asked them about jungkook and his grandmother what surprised me was they're all know who are they"

"This is weird, when i went there to find jungkook they all said they didn't know.... what is this? Anything more ?"

"Well I successfully bribed someone and they said ... someone asked them to not expose jungkook whereabouts if someone named Kim Taehyung find him" Taehyung nodded his head now he got it why all the villagers being unresponsive to him because someone literally told them to do so

"So who is that someone?"

"A guy named Jung Hoseok"

Taehyung eyes went wide after hearing the familiar name . Of course he knows! Jung hoseok was the one who always with jungkook since jungkook left him !




what is it ghost?

We should meet i found out about that

Really? Sure ..

Dun tell jungkook yet that we're contacting

Of course! I don't want to die before i could have yoongi's child



Bye . I will send the location where to meet


"What ?!!!! Are you kidding me ?!!"

"No Jimin I'm not kidding that hoseok guy was the one who prevented me from seeing jungkook . Jimin ~ for 5 years i was searching for him like crazy"

Jimin rubbed his face with his palms "what the hell is happening....."

"Jungkook needs to know you've been searching for him all this time . Jungkook needs to know that you really loves him tae . Taehyung I believe you and I really wants to see both of you together again with the twins"

"No don't tell him yet , he won't believe because the one who's always with him was hoseok after all"

"But he needs to know tae !"

"Do you expect him to believe when you say 'oh Taehyung was searching for you all this time but hoseok was the one who prevented him from meeting you' you expect him to believe?!"


Taehyung went to jungkook's gallery with nervousness as he could imagine how jungkook would freak out not wanting to see him but he have too . He needs to tell jungkook that he still loves him and he wants jungkook back . As he entered the room where jungkook was as expected jungkook freaked out to see him standing in front of him

"What the hell are you doing here ?!!" Jungkook yelled but Taehyung stays . Even though he's really scared at how jungkook changed . The one who always soft when talking to him but now not anymore. Jungkook is fierce like a lion

"Jungkook we need to talk please...."

"No I don't want please go kim Taehyung"

"Kookie please ..." Taehyung walked towards jungkook but jungkook yelled at him "stop ! Don't you dare to come near me!" Taehyung stopped at his place watching jungkook with teary eyes

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