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I'm cooking myself a lunch . Just a simple lunch for me and my twins inside my womb

How i wish Taehyung is here with me like he always do , helping me cooking and eat with me later on and how he always praise me for all my delicious hand made foods

"I guess we're eating without your appa again babies" I rubbed my tummy which is in 7 months of pregnancy . Yeah I wear a fucking large clothes to hide this . This makes more easy because Taehyung barely look at em and barely come home

While I'm cooking I heard someone pressing the password to enter our apartment which I assume it must be Taehyung but yeah i was wrong . I turned off the stove

"Taehyung's friend ? What are you doing here inside my son's apartment?"

Holy crap ! It's Taehyung mother aka the CEO of the company where i used to work and also yeah she accepted me to work there because Taehyung asked too . Such a second hand embarrassment

Should i tell her ? That I'm his son's boyfriend ?

"Honestly... i - I'm your son's boyfriend and we've been living together for a long time"

"W-what ?!! No no no ! Get out of this apartment! Pack your stuff and get out !! Taehyung gonna marry seulgi by the end of this year and I don't want to see you . Stop ruining my son's life ! He deserves better and you're just a piece of shit . You don't have anything you poor kids!"

"No .. please don't kick me out please , i will accept all this ! Even Taehyung gonna marry her I'm gonna be okay and I won't ruin their relationship please" i hold his hands but she just pushed my hands harshly which I almost tripped myself but glad I'm good at balancing my body . God my babies !

"Stay away from my son"

"Pack your stuffs now!" She adds which I only nods . I'm not tearing up this time maybe because I really am used to it now .


"Hello ~ grandma ? Grandma?" I was far from seoul , the capital city of south korea and here i am in busan my birthplace. Such a burden if i live at jimin's house because yes he and yoongi is together now and namjoon too he found his love again i have no choices and come here . I decided that i will just live here with my two babies in this peaceful village

"Oh my ! Jungkookie my grandson grandma miss you so much" grandma came out from his wooden house and ran to me right away to hug me which soon she realised and her eyes getting bigger "pregnant?"

Which I smile right away "twins'

"Oh my god my jungkookie finally gonna be a mother! Why aren't you telling me that you're married now ? Where is your husband?" She looks so excited and happy that I felt so sorry towards her and pity towards myself which in the end I bursted out into tears . Again . That only shocked her when I hugged her tightly crying on his shoulder like a baby

"He left me grandma~"

Which soon I felt her hands caressing my back softly "you can cry as much as you want"

Which i do so "its okay I'm still with you"

"Even if the world gonna turns away from you I'm still with you , I'm not leaving you kookie" i glad i have her . I broke off the hugs

"Let's take care of this babies together grandma"


Jimin , yoongi  , namjoon and seokjin  came to visit me in busan . That's why I don't want to say where i am because i know this will happen .

"Come on kookie ~ I'm your friend of course i would do so" jimin said

"Yes jungkookie at least we know about your whereabouts and that baby don't worry. I have a friend here and he will always check on you and making sure you and your baby are okay . He is Doctor hoseok"

"Thank you hyung ~" i felt like crying with all these kind of concerns from them "i love you guys" which I pulled all the together and hugged them while crying

"I hope you will be strong when the babies are born" yoongi said with a sad eyes on his puppy face

"I know that girl ruined everything ..." namjoon hold my hands caressing it lightly "but don't ever make yourself look pathetic and you have to fight for yourself and your babies too"

"Ok" i said while sobbing

"Aigooo our jungkookie so cute when he's crying" jimin said while pinching my cheeks harshly which later on I grabbed his hairs making him squeal in pain


Kim Taehyung POV

I received a text from my mom saying that she's at my apartment

"Holy crap jungkook!"

I drove my car to my apartment with a nervousness that could kill me in any seconds. I'm dead if she found out about jungkook

"Why the fuck did i keep him with me when i don't need him anymore"


I entered my apartment and i saw her my mother sitting with a serious face on the sofa "you never tell me jungkook is your boyfriend"

"Uhh .. uhmm was my boyfriend we broke up long ago" i said because what ? It's true after all i made him clear that I don't love him anymore but he keeps going near me telling me to love him again which I couldn't

"Good because I kicked him out already"

"What ?! You kicked him out?" I unintentionally raised my voice which earned a serious glares from her

"What ? Aren't you happy that I helped you ?"

"Hmm no mom" i lazily replied but deep down I actually worried cuz he only have me to depend on no i mean . Where will he lives ?

I walked to the guest room which he used it since i said that I'm not interested sleeping with him together anymore .

I entered the room, look around and none if his belongings are here . He took it all but he left everything that I bought for him long ago with a notes but I'm not interested at all to read so i just let it be

"He really left"

His fragile looks sometimes do makes me feel sorry but i can't help it since I don't love him anymore.

"Whatever kook I don't care anymore all i care is seulgi and my work"

I stepped out from the room leaving the notes he left unread and closed the door locking it as I don't want to have memories with him anymore. I want to lock our memories there

Yeahhhhh mann ayoo introduces hit it the second audition no i mean the next chapter.

Uwu an update btw fck fck fck an hour ago i was fighting with cockroaches !!!! I almost shit in my pants dudeeeee no jkjkjkjk but damn i hate cockroaches more than i hate anything because fck ! They fly and that creeped me out i feel like dying whenever they starts to open up their wings ?? Idk but bihhh cockroaches are scary like babi kau kenapa terbang?! (Sorry my natives language came out)

Omg sorry i made you guys read this :(

Btw have a nice day and happy ramadhan to all muslims out there

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I told ya this book gonna hurt my baby a lot :(

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