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"Taekookiee!" Taehyung who came out running towards the boys who just finished their school for today

"Appa!!" Taekook screamed in happiness seeing his appa again . He was having difficulty meeting Taehyung because jungkook didn't let him

"Appa? Taekook what do you mean appa ? When we ate at his apartment you called him appa too" hyungki asked out curiosity

Taekook then told hyungki that Taehyung ahjussi is their father but requested hyungki to keep it secret from jungkook that they already know about it which hyungki agreed . Hyungki now got why taekook was acting like a brat when their mother said he wants to marry with ahjussi hoseok .

"Appa are you here to pick us up again?" Taekook asked and Taehyung just smiled and later shakes his head "no your eomma will hate me for doing that so appa here will accompany you till your eomma come to pick both of my babiess" Taehyung strokes their hairs while playing with it

'Maybe this will be the last time I'm doing this to you sons' Taehyung small heart said

Less than in fifteen minutes they saw a beautiful boy with baby blue hoodie , round glasses and timberlands walking towards them with an expressions that they couldn't tell

"Jungkook ...." a familiar voices of Taehyung greeted jungkook's sensitive ears .

"Tae .. what are you do-doing here?" Jungkook voices stucked after he saw Taehyung. Taehyung was a messed , he can't believe his eyes . His eyebag was so obvious under his bloodshot eyes, his hairs was not neat anymore , he looks thinner , pale faces and he looks like he doesn't want to live anymore and that really makes jungkook's heart broke

'Why did i feel so broke looking Taehyung like this ? He deserves it I shouldn't feel like this'

"I.. i want to meet the kids and you .. we need to talk about u-"

"Taekook hyungki go to car first and wait there" the twins nodded . They understood right away because they both know about it . They walked to the car with uneasy feelings

"So what do you want to talk about?" Jungkook acted strong and crossed his arms over his chest and Taehyung's eyes dropped on jungkook's slender fingers. He saw how the ring fits his finger perfectly "pretty.."


"That ring, look so pretty on you" jungkook then realised that Taehyung saw it and dropped his arms right away "uhh emm this ring ho-"

"Hoseok proposed you i know that jimin told me... congratulations" Taehyung smiled at jungkook but jungkook knows what's the meaning behind that smiles .

'Tae , are trying to act happy ?' Jungkook sighed "thanks"

"So .. what do you want to talk about?"

"Umm i know it's rude because you're gonna marry someone else soon but before you and hoseok gets married can i say all what I wanted to say to you and maybe at the last i will ask you just a question?" Jungkook didn't sure but maybe "ok ... go ahead"

Taehyung breathing in and let it out slowly "jeon jungkook , i- i know that I already asked you for forgiveness which you forgive me and I'm happy about it . That happiness slowly making me feel i want take you again with me but i know it's not that easy after what you've been going through because of me . I know I can't suddenly come to you and ask you to be with me again that easily after what i did to you that's why I'm not calling you home ...."

"I love you jeon jungkook .. you're so beautiful but that's not why i love you . The reason I love you because you being you , just you jungkook and how you keep your cool when you know how  complicated i am . The day you slipped away was the day i found it won't be the same . When I woke up everyday you put a smile in my face but you're not there anymore and I can't take it . I want that every morning and It wasn't fake I really felt like I'm losing something deep inside of me and I'm afraid , it feels like nothing really matters anymore when you're not there anymore . You know there's so many questions on my mind but so many answers I can't find because you're the answer to my questions and how i wish I could turn back the time . I'm falling hard ..."

Taehyung eyes went watery and so jungkook . Jungkook can't hold his tears anymore hearing all what Taehyung said and at the same time how jungkook's memories came through his eyes and how it fits every Taehyung words

"Falling fast.. you make everything seem brighter and i never knew i needed you this much jeon jungkook . All those crazy things we did before riding through my head . You're always there , everywhere and i wish you were here .. the days feel like years without you and everything that i do reminds me of you..i just wanna let you know that i never wanna let you go but seeing how happy you're right now i just realised it making me feel more at ease ... i felt like the nightmares that i gave you slowly went away because you looks so happy without me jeon jungkook..."

'I just realised I'm not ....' Jungkook can't stop his crying because of how pure and messed was Taehyung at the same time

"So my last question is .... do you still want me jeon jungkook ?" Taehyung wiped his tears off and focused on jungkook who looks fragile there crying

"I .. i .. I'm sorry tae .. b- but I already ac-accept h-hoseok a-and I don't w-wanna h-hurt his fee-lings" Taehyung smiled and went closer to the crying jungkook and hugged him , embracing jungkook as long as he could , he feel at ease "it's okay jungkook , i don't wanna you regret. If that is what you want and that will make you happy ... i will let you go my love .." Taehyung strokes his back softly "please don't cry , i don't worth your tears .." jungkook who was in Taehyung embraces feels more stucked and confused with himself . He cried because he doesn't know what to do . "I'm sorry" he choked on his tears "aishhhh" Taehyung broke the hugs and wiped jungkook's tears with his thumbs with smile plastered on his face  "i guess it's time to say goodbye to you, can i at least kiss you for the last time?" Which jungkook nodded at the end and Taehyung slowly closed their distance and finally after few years Taehyung feel his sweet lips again against his and how broke was his heart inside knowing that he will let him go . It's hard for him , it wasn't easy

'I don't deserve second chance'

Jungkook on the other hands feels his chest tightening and pain , tears slipping away from his eyes again running through his cheeks when Taehyung's lips on his again

'I'm sorry because I don't give you second chance' he already accepted hoseok proposals and it's no for him to broke his heart , he took care of him and the twins . So he sacrificed his first Kim Taehyung

They both broke the kissed and Taehyung look at him again "thank you jeon jungkook , I don't regret falling in love with the same person" then Taehyung turned away from him , step by step Taehyung starts vanishing from his sight like a smoke who will never come back to him

"K-kim Taehyung........."

Says the one who said will update after 28/6 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH



please do not giving up with my dramatic life in this book and keep showing your support for this book . If you hate this book you can leave I don't want to force you to like this book . Different people different opinions.. but i will feel more appreciated if you stay with me and wait till this book ends.

For those who stay till the end you will feel the sweetness soon it just that ... wait for the update

I'm here not playing w your hearts ♥️

Thank youuu and for those who commented and voted i feel sooooooooo happy thank uuuu seriously and I noticed you tooooo soooo dont stop commenting 😭😭😭

My readers are my tears bcs u made me happy

Do u really think Taehyung don't deserve 2nd chances?

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