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"I fucking hate you !!!" Jungkook said while wiping off his tears

"I'm sorry"

"Bro you played with our heart! What the fuck your heart stop beating for ten seconds and then suddenly beating again !!" Jimin was crying while babbling about how Taehyung makes them feel they forgot how to breathe for a while

The doctor and his teammates excused themselves

His heart beat machine really stop beating for 10 seconds and came back beating normally after that , jungkook swear that time he felt like he wanted to kick Taehyung for playing with his heart like that

"How's taekook and hyungki?" Taehyung asked jungkook who was standing beside his while the other were all surrounded him making the twins whose sitting on the sofa at the back with tears still on their face not believing what they watched just now

"Taekook hyungki come here" jungkook called the twins and they ran towards the bed "appa~" they called in unison and Taehyung eyes went watery right away . It sounded so beautiful to him finally his own kids calling him appa even jungkook is there smiling at them

"Kids let's leave them two alone for a while" Taehyung's mother said and the others nodded as they understood walking out from the room living the two

The room fell into silence as two of them staring at each other 

"I miss you" jungkook broke the silence and Taehyung plasters a smile on his face "i miss you too" Taehyung opened his hands wider with a boxy smile like wanting jungkook to come to him so he can hug "come here" and jungkook ran to hug him happily as Taehyung snaked his hands around him "i miss this scent of you jeon jungkook" Then Taehyung pulled jungkook to get him sit on his lap with him on the bed facing him "and I wonder will i ever be with you again but it's too late , you're gonna be someone's wife soon"

Jungkook startled and at the same time he felt so broke after hearing what Taehyung said . Maybe jungkook was too mean "I don't waste two years of my life for nothing tae~"

Taehyung eyes knotted together "What do you mean two years?"

"Tae , you're comma for two years , taekook and hyungki are in primary school now and here i am waiting for you kim Taehyung, I'm not marrying anyone other than you"

Taehyung suddenly bursted into tears "i-i don't deserve you kookie , I'm r-really okay if you're gonna marry h-him , i did too much mistake in the past , y-you should find y-your happiness too"

"Hey shhhh" Jungkook placed his finger on Taehyung's lips stopping him from talking "past is past , let bygone be bygone and you're my happiness kim Taehyung, no one else just you who i need in my life" Jungkook then wiped Taehyung's tears with his thumb and leaned closer to his face as his lips touched Taehyung and he pulled jungkook closer to his body , kissing him deeper "t-thank you jeon jungkook for giving me second chance i will fix everything i love you"

"I love you too"


Taehyung was discharged from the hospital a week after he woke up from his deep sleep and they're on their way heading to jimin's and yoongi's wedding with their little family

"You may know kiss the bride" the priest said and soon Yoongi leaned to jimin and kissed his lips passionately and others who watched it cheered them loud including me

"Finally my best friend got married.." I wiped my faked tears acted like i was crying "we are following them soon" Taehyung said as he pulled jungkookie hand and intertwined with him giving his bestest smile to the beautiful person beside him .

"Yeyyy eomma and appa gonna marry soon!!!" Cheered hyungki and taekook jumped showing his happiness

"Jungkook?" He called which i tilted my face to see him

"Yes ?"

"You're mine"

Jungkook's face became red tomato and at the same time he felt so happy looking at how his children and the love of his love life beside him all smiling like this . He felt so at ease like finally he can say

"I'm yours"

He's been wanting to tell this to Taehyung . Claiming each other


* that night *

Kook I'm scared


Yoongi is taking shower rn and tonight is our first night

So ?

I'm fucking scared rn! He said he wants me to ready in 30 minutes

And he said he wants to see me in satin !!! That is fucking see through

Ok first, chill

Second, breathe in and breathe out

Third , read the first one

I'm serious! Actually this will be our first time

What ? I thought you said he fucked you long ago ?

I was kidding

Omg you fucking virgin tight holes yoongi gonna fuck you hard tonight

Kook 😭😭😭😭😭🖕🏻you

No you bottom

Fuck off!

Okay !😜😋👌🏻 have fun tonight in that see through pyjamas , can't wait to hear 'kook I'm pregnant'

Have a good 👉🏻👌🏻🤤💦💦🖕🏻😋


Guys sorry for late update:)
Btw in a few minutes is my birthday and I'm officially 19 !! 😂

So Taehyung now that jungkook gave you second chance you better work harder and makes him feel appreciated and loved okay ? I'm helping you ! 







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