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"Taetae please come out ...." his mother knocked the locked door few times but there's no answers at all , Taehyung has been locking himself for a week and his mom was worried to death about his health, physical and mental . She doesn't know what to do but there is one way . She have to meet jungkook herself and talk to him about Taehyung conditions

Every night she could hear screams and cries behind the door coming from Taehyung's room . She often heard

'I don't deserve him'

'What's the point of breathing?'

'How to accept this?'

'I should be happy that he's happy'

'I'm so selfish'

She was broken inside and out . Maybe it was her karma ? His son is suffering instead of her


"Taekook talk to me !" Taekook stays in his place watching the incredibles and ignoring his mother's questions who was standing in front of him . Finally jungkook turned off the tv and Taekook rolled his eyes and walked straight to his room not even sparing jungkook a time to talk to him

Jungkook sighed "why is he acting like this ? Is it just because of hoseok ?" Jungkook shrugs off and took out his phone to text jimin . He's goin on a date with hoseok today and jimin will be the one who take care of the twins . Jimin is the twins maid .. jungkook made him


They weren't doing much activities just a peaceful time at the park late night. They're just sitting on one of the benches and talking to each other laughing their ass off then suddenly their talks become serious

"Jungkook i love you" hoseok said and jungkook doesn't know what to reply "hmmm yeah..." because he wasn't sure if he really could say that , he stills in dilemma. Suddenly hoseok leans closer and paste a kiss on jungkook's small lips . Hoseok moves his mouth but Jungkook frozed in his place didn't know what to do neither replying his kiss .

Jungkook's real feelings right now was

'This feels weird'

'I can't take it'

'Stop please'

Jungkook Finally pushed hoseok's chest softly not wanting to hurt his feelings "I'm sorry but please don't do that..."

"Sorry kookie... i-"

"Just .. i want to go home now jimin must be tired taking care the twins"


Jungkook was fighting with his feelings, the thing that jimin said made him more in dilemma and drowning in the confusion

'Is this a good choice ?'


Kim Taehyung POV


"Jungkookieee let's date after school" Taehyung was disturbing jungkook who's busy doing his additional mathematics homework. He forgot that he had a homework to do and remembered that morning "ok taetae now let me finish this the teacher will in a minutes" Jungkook pushed Taehyung away from him so that he can do his homework but it's too late . The teacher entered the room "I'm dead" and Taehyung who's sitting beside him giggling at him

"Show me your homework now !" Jungkook was fucked up , this teacher is the most scariest teacher he ever had . The teacher walked and checked the students homework one by one and finally it's jungkook turned . Taehyung was safe because he don't like procrastinating his work unlike jungkook he sometimes feels lazy

"care to explain why you only had your name and the questions on the paper ? Where's the answer"

"Ummmm errr I'm sorry I forgot to do it" she sighed and fix his glasses who was about to fall "now get out from my class!" Jungkook nodded and walked away from then stepping out from the class with a long sigh

Standing outside of the class ? Hmmmm "what are you doing here?" Taehyung suddenly stood beside him "i told her i made someone did my homework and she got mad"

"Why did you do that ?"

"Just .... wanted to be with you"

"Tae ~ you don't need to do th- mmmphhhh" Taehyung cut his words and kiss jungkook passionately pulling him closer to his body . Jungkook not hesitating replied the kiss ignoring that they're in hallway

"Let's ditch and go date now" Taehyung pulled jungkook hands and jungkook just innocently nodded


Taehyung who was lying on the bed lifeless remembered one of their own favourite moments during their high school

"Jungkookie ..... i wonder why i treated you like that when i know i love you this much" he sighed "this is hurting me damn much"

He look at mirror inside the bathroom and open the large storing box where mostly all the medications were placed and some blades.....

He took the blades and cut himself "I'm so stupid" the tears running on his face "i should be happy that you're happy but why.... I can't accept it" the blood dripping from his skin and soon he lost his consciousness


The reason why he locked himself for a week was because he's trying to reflect himself, but it was hard for him , screamed , crying and cut himself the only thing he can do

and finally decided to fix the mistakes he did in the past . He shouldn't be doing this . He shouldn't act like he's the only who's hurting here because jungkook hurts more . He realised how kind and pure is jungkook and jungkook should be happy of what he wants and who he needs in his life . Taehyung can't stop him . Jungkook needs his happiness too

"Let's say this is my karma" Taehyung wiped his tears and took the car keys from the shelf

"I should stop being selfish"

He has to go out from his room and meet jungkook himself. This will be the answer to his life and he already expects what will be his answer . Of course he already has hoseok and he sure hoseok will take a good care of jungkook unlike him , Taehyung though he will only hurt jungkook so he decided to do this .

"I just want you to be happy if that means i have to let you go"

"Then i'll do it jeon jungkook"

"Sorry for being selfish"

Anothe update ! So next update will be after 28/6 (night) bcs i have biology FINAL TEST on that day . So today and tomorrow i have to do my revision . I have to finish all chapters by today and tomorrow (i wonder why i took bio hmm ?") pls understand hehe 😜

I'm sorry if my writing are not that good sorry yeah i really am sorry about that . I'm not a big account so i feel so small :(
Thank u for reading

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