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The rang of the bell made jungkook's sleep disturbed and he had no choice but to open the door while rubbing his eyes and looked at the small figures in front of him weirdly then he realised

"Oh my god ! Hyungki ! Taekook ! Eomma is sorry eomma fell asleep how did you.."

"Hi" it was a deep hoarse voice that could give jungkook goosebumps

"Tae... Taehyung...."'

They're both staring at each other not taking their eyes off

"Eomma ! Don't worry we're safe now Taehyung ahjussi picked us up" hyungki said happily while took of his shoes and entered the house with taekook living the two alone at the front door

"Uhmm ... t-thanks i guess"

"Welcome kook"

It was awkward until taekook spoke out again with his little game "eomma why don't you invite ahjussi and cook him something becaush he hasn't eat anything yet , me and hyungki too"

"Eh ? But we alre- mmmphh" before hyungki could deny what taekook said , he was fast and shut hyungki's mouth with his palms "we are all hungry please ?...."

Jungkook was in dilemma but maybe a way for thanking Taehyung for picking up them at school

"Come in i will cook"

A smile plastered on his face as soon as jungkook invited him inside and even wanna cook for him . How he miss jungkook's cooking so much

Taehyung stepped inside and went to the sofa where the twins sat and he leans closer to taekook "thanks kid" while patting his head


"Hyungki finish your food that's still a lot" jungkook scolds one of his son

"Eomma I'm full ..." Hyungki shaking his head as a signal he doesn't want to eat anymore because he's the one who ate a lot at Taehyung's apartment

"No you have to fi.."

"It's okay kook i will finish his food since I'm hungry"

"Yeay thank you!!! Now i want to take a bath"

"Ermm me too !" Taekook spoke out . That was taekook intentions leaving the both alone

"Yahh yah !! Don't go!" Jungkook was nervous and that's why he didn't want the kids to leave him alone with Taehyung but the kids really left him there sitting and eating awkwardly at the table , he doesn't even dare to gulp his food in his mouth

They're both not talking and could say Taehyung really enjoy the foods that jungkook made , this was his fourth bowl of rice including the hyungki one . He doesn't even talk and just focus on eating . Actually Taehyung wasn't really hungry but he just want to eat as much as he could

"You eat a lot" Finally jungkook spoked up and Taehyung frozed "hmmm y-yeah i miss your cookery" this time jungkook the one who went silence and just watched how Taehyung happily eat all the foods he made "eat slowly you will choke"

Taehyung nods


"Can i bring this leftover food" Taehyung asked as soon as he was done with his food

"For ?"

"Just , maybe this will be the last meals you cooked for me" Jungkook frozed , yeah Taehyung felt anxious about everything he might look calm right now but inside he wasn't at all . He's anxious keep worrying how if jungkook kicked him out right away when he talks or do something but jungkook didn't and that ease his heart a little , even though knowing jungkook would reject him

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