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Everything is solved now . The appa of seokjin's son is kim namjoon my friend. Why he never tell me about it i could bring them together early if I know it

Jimin is busy looking at the baby shoes on the rack while i search for the clothes to my babies . Seokjin is helping me and namjoon is playing with his 5 years old kid

"Hey kook ! Look at this iron man shoes it's so pretty!" Jimin holding up the shoes in the air like there's no people here when actually there's a lot because the shop is on sale "stop it jim you're embarrassing me!" I whispered and seokjin just chuckle "no mario is better pick mario kook"

"No kook pick iron man what is mario no fun" seokjin rolled his eyes getting annoyed with jimin


"Iron man!"


"Iron man!"

"Gahhhhh stop it!!! I will just pick this tata designed"

"Fine i treated you this shoes since I really want your babies to wear this" jimin said giving up

"Yeah me too , i will treated you this mario shoes too since yeah my reason same with jimin"

Namjoon who's playing with his son behind there laughing really hard and shakes his head thinking they're all like a bunch of kids buying something but their mom said just to choose one

Done with all the babies shopping they decided to eat and went to shabu shabu restaurant because yeah they want me to eat healthy foods.

"But i want to eat burger" I complain. They look at me "please just this once~" i begged

"Urghh fine just this once !" Seokjin said

"Thank you hyung and Jimin keep all this at your house cause you know..."

"Yeah yeah don't worry kook" all the baby things that i have bought was kept at jimin's place because I don't want Taehyung to know that I'm pregnant of his child . What to say my love for him never fades and i still love him even after this few months he barely look at me but at least we're still staying together which made me thinks he still loves me


"You look fat" jungkook flinches when Taehyung who's sitting on the sofa in front of television say that

"I- i eat a lot these days" I replied but my voice stuttering which he nods later on . God glad that my large shirt help me a lot in hiding this

"Cook for two i wanna go take bath first" Taehyung said sternly which makes me smiling to the ears

'Is this a dream ? Finally he's eating with me again ?'

Taehyung got up and go to his room to take a bath and i go to the kitchen to prepare all Taehyung's favourites foods . I'm so happy that I decided to cook a various type of foods . Cooking with all my heart and serves it on the table beautifully. I even put the candles to lighten up the mood and suddenly the bell rang which Taehyung comes out from his room "now go to your room and don't come out"

I looked at him confusedly "what do you mean? Aren't we going to eat?"

"The fuck ? You thought i want to eat with you ? Hell no ! Now go to your room and sit there quietly don't make any noise seulgi is coming to eat with me"

My world crumbles again for many times . I cooked all those thinking it was for us , i was wrong thinking that Taehyung still loves me . I'm wrong

"Go!" I nodded and walked away from him enter my room with tears running on my face

'How cruel Taehyung while I'm carrying your child'

I sat on the edge of my bed and i heard Taehyung and that bitch are laughing without thinking there's also someone inside this house who is suffering physically and mentally

I rubbed my stomach softly "I'm sorry my babies that we're going through this. When you guys are born please give me the strength" i wipes my tears even though there's no use cause the tears keep running on my face

Suddenly I want to throw up. I shut my mouth with my palms tightly don't wanna to make sound but I can't hold it and ran to the bathroom inside my room and throw up in the toilet bowl "uwekkk" i rubbed my chest few times "uwekk"

"What was that ?" I heard seulgi spoke


I want to puke again but I really hold myself that i could feel like I'm in the verge of death

"Ouh actually there's my cousin inside the guest room and he's not feeling well , let me look at him first"

'Fuck ! Taehyung is coming'

I cleaned and rinsed my mouth go out from the bathroom and sat on the bed and then Taehyung barged in with an angry face

"Are you trying to mess with me again?" I shakes my head and my head is fucking hurts . I felt so dizzy like my head is spinning

"Sorry tae~"

"Once again you make sounds you're dead" Taehyung warned me before going out from the room

"Tae~ do i have really to continue with this fake love you gives me ? I love you with all my heart kim Taehyung" the only thing i do in my life now is crying. I cry and cry . This is so painful that i feel like i want to die . If this babies aren't in my womb i think i would end my life now . I lays on the bed put a pilow over my face as i sobbing for my poor life


Another update 💖💖 because i love you guys

Btw i hate Taehyung in this book !! He's such fucking jerk !! (Lmao says the one who writes this)

Btw i hate Taehyung in this book !! He's such fucking jerk !! (Lmao says the one who writes this)

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how dare you Taehyung? Look at him !!!  😭😭😭

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