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No one POV

As jungkook done with his work back there he finally got to breathe and sat at one of the stools there where the staffs can relax and rest there while the director , pd and whoever related to it is recording the show .

Finally jungkook can see Taehyung again after 3 weeks yes believe or not Taehyung haven't come home at all since that night where he fucked and being all mean to jungkook . And jungkook thought that maybe Taehyung felt so sorry to him for doing so

"Oh god that bitch again" jungkook frowns

"Who ?" Namjoon who suddenly came out of nowhere sat beside jungkook without he realised it

"Kang seulgi"

Jungkook watch as seulgi walks to the stage getting ready for the pre recording and jungkook saw how sweet the smile Taehyung gave to her which he used to get it long ago

"Arghhhhhhhhhh!!!!" That screamed from seulgi makes all the staffs there about to lost their heart thinking it maybe the sound of the ghost inside the building

"What happened to my gown ?!!!! Why is there a hole here ?!!!"

'Oh fuck!' Jungkook get scared now he knows what will happen next . He's the one who's in charge for taking care of that gown

Jungkook could see that Taehyung stoof up and ran straight to seulgi who's sulking over her ripped gown . The director called the sylist noona over and asked her about the gown and

"Who's in charge of this gown ?!" Suddenly Taehyung voices out for that girl

"Me~" i hoped off from the stools and went straight to them

"Y-you again ?!!! What did you do to my gown ?!!!" Seulgi yelled at me but duh I'm not afraid of her I'm more afraid of Taehyung's reaction.

Taehyung looks at me a deep stares , not smiling and looking all serious "do you ever do your work properly without giving problems to others ?" Taehyung said and ooff! That's really really really fucking hurts to jungkook

"I'm sorry. It was just all fine but i fell asleep and i didn't know how this gown could have a hole because it was just fine before"

"Ouh are you telling me that i was the one who made this hole ?!" Jungkook swear that this girl annoyed him a lot with her bitches attitude

"What ? No !!!! Of course not !!"

"How dare you raised your voices to me ?! Do you know who i am ?!"

'Yes you bitches i hope you rot in hell with that gown having hole at your fucking titties!'

"No sorry I didn't mean it to raise voice at you but i swear I don't know how-"

"Stop !! Stop with all the bullshit ! You have never done your job properly because you're not enjoying this job right ? Do you think your job is just to sleep ? Do you know how much the cost for this gown ?!! It's fucking pricey and you don't even have enough money to pay all this !! Seriously you're so fucking troublesome kid !"

That's it . Jungkook lost it and let his tears fall down rolling on his soft cheeks. All eyes on him and namjoon looks so worried there watching the scene how Taehyung treated him in front of others since namjoon knows Taehyung is jungkook's boyfriend but what he doesn't know is jungkook didn't tell him about their latest relationship which confused namjoon a lot

The staffs and the director froze too . They didn't expect Taehyung to react like this but they didn't stop him either because....... Taehyung's mother is the CEO of this company. And that is how they all act all kind to Taehyung and treated him like a king . Jungkook got this job too because Taehyung begged for his mom telling that his friend need a job

"I- I'm sorry Mr Taehyung i- I didn't mean to mess all this"

"Fuck off !! Just fuck off and don't you ever show your face here !! We don't need problematic kids like you ! Stop depending on others !"

Jungkook choked on his cry and turned around his back to Taehyung walking away from the smirking seulgi beside Taehyung

'Satisfied now bitch?'

Jungkook have never felt this bad and lost his motivation. Jungkook is pregnant and of course getting more sensitive with all words coming out this one it came from Taehyung's mouth .

"Leave that kid! He deserves it!" He heard Taehyung said that to others while he walked away from the recording hall with tears non stop falling from his big beautiful eyes . He felt so small and he hates himself for being so weak whenever it comes to Taehyung.

'I wanna be a good man just for you
I gave the world just for you
I changed it all just for you'

"Have you ever realised that kim Taehyung?" Jungkook sobbed trying to stop his crying but he couldn't in the end he choked on his cry again and again having difficulty to breathe and talk

"Jungkook .. kookie.." Namjoon was about to follow him but he was stopped by the younger

"No .. l-leave me alone" namjoon understood how hard it was for him and leave him be


Okay this is last for today! Gonna sleep cause it's 3 am in the morning!

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