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"Hello so we're back with the next guest which is Jeon Jungkook a well known painter artist nowadays"

Taehyung said like he always do as an announcer welcoming the guest who's sitting in front of him aka his ex boyfriend the one who he hurts long ago . Taehyung was sweating really hard unlike jungkook who's sitting there quietly with a sweet smile on his face with a calm look

Taehyung was dazed by jungkook appearance and prettiness that he forgot he was on recording for the show. The director waved his hands to Taehyung soon he realised and his hands trembling while holding the cue card to read on the next talk or questions

"So jeon jungkook , you said it here that your life is now more better than before , what makes you think like that ?" Taehyung nervously read the question on the cue card which only gives him difficulty to breathe as he know why jungkook prefer his life now rather than the old days . It's because of him

"Well thank you for the question Mr Taehyung. Well i wouldn't say that i hate the old days because there's so many beautiful moments that i want to keep. I think my life is better now because I'm finally free after a long time suffering"

"I see..." Taehyung paused for a while and hesitated to read the next question but he read it though "move to the next question, errrm would you tell us about your love life ?"

"Sure . Well there's this one fine guy which is the appa of the twins . I used to love him , long ago but now no feelings remain for him as I choose to let him go . I don't want to look dumb for loving someone who don't love me anymore..."

'No, i love you jeon jungkook' Taehyung's heart said

"Who says I can't be happy without him ? I'm actually living a good life with this twins Kim Taekook and Kim Hyungki . They're my source of happiness. No need to know who is he because I let him go , even after he's dead . I feel bad for the twins that their appa is dead even before they're born"

Taehyung feels his body shaking. Each words coming out from jungkook was like a good fucking toxic . He knows he fucked up everything and makes jungkook suffered because the level of his stupidity. He doesn't want to continue this , he wants to end the show . He knows jungkook is staring at him with a smile on his face like he purposely did this to him but he knows he deserves it

"aaahhh i see ... so umm next q-question w-wait" Taehyung was too fucking lost that he even dropped the cue cards onto the floor and all the staffs in front shaking their heads because of Taehyung clumsiness

"Continue, how much do you love arts ?"

"Good question, I would say that arts is part of my life who gives me comfort  besides my friends and my sons..."

Taehyung is not mentioned and he's fucking hurt but again it's not jungkook fault if that was his choice

"I expressed my feelings into arts , if i feel sad , angry , happy or anything i will turn it into arts and that will comfort me a lot and I'm glad that finally I became one . Became a painter artist was my dream job long ago but because I'm too stupid and blinded by love I sacrificed it for the guy i used to love . I realise how selfish he is"

Once again Taehyung feels like he wants jungkook to punish him for being so mean to him , for not knowing how much jungkook wants to be that , for treating him badly and for being selfish. Jungkook is too kind

"So arts gives you comfort besides your friends and your sons . What a pure heart of you mr jeon jungkook. Well we share a same thing, i love arts too because of someone I love. He tought me how to put myself into an emotion through the arts"

Jungkook just nodded not interested with Taehyung life when he knows who is Taehyung talking about . It was him the one who tought him to love art but jungkook really not interested with him anymore and brushed it off

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