༄ 23 ༄

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Jungkook was laying on the bed and the thing that jimin said few days ago really disturbed him a lot . He knows Taehyung has been suffering his entire life since his father died but Taehyung never tells him the whole story about that and suddenly he was curious about it . He also remembers how Taehyung came to him a week ago to ask for his forgiveness but that wasn't easy for jungkook too .

Jimin said to give Taehyung second chances but jungkook is unsure because .... because he's not sure he still loves Taehyung or not , he's not sure he still have feelings for Taehyung or not and this makes him went crazy . Taehyung was crying in front of him still fresh in his mind and how jimin said Taehyung begged to him to listen to his entire story and how jimin told him that Taehyung was a totally messed with tears

"Did he really go to busan to find me ? Is it true hoseok hyung was the reason why Taehyung and me didn't meet 5 years ago ? But how ? Hoseok hyung is really kind to me and the twins , he would never do that ..."

"Hoseok hyung ... tell me you didn't do that" jungkook was mumbling to himself and dozed off a few minutes after that

He forgot the twins will done their school less than an hour


"Hyungki where is eomma ?"

"Hmmmmm I don't know too we've been waiting for an hour and I'm hungry.."

"Me too , and i want to meet Taehyung ahjussi ag-"

"Kids !"

Both of them who was busy pulling grass while waiting for their mother tilted their heads to see who's calling them "ahjussi!!!!!!" Both of them screams in unison

"Ahjussi ahjussi! We miss you!" The twins ran to Taehyung and hugged him tightly. It was cute because of how small they were

"Awww baby ahjussi miss you too!" Taehyung happily reply his sons hugs feeling the warmth of their bodies and he felt broke that he couldn't tell them he was their father and he wants them to call him appa

"Ahjussi eomma f-forgot to pick us" taekook complaining while showing his sour face "and we hungry, our classmate ate all our foods"

"They bullied both of you?" Taehyung suddenly looking so serious knowing that his sons got bullied by their classmate "yes because they said we don't have appa...." Hyungki eyes glued to the ground , Taehyung could feel the sadness in his eyes

"I'm sorry hyungki , taekook ... ok to cheer you up let's have home made meals ! Ahjussi will cook it myself!" Taehyung offered and he knows he shouldn't because he only knows how to cook ramen and rolled eggs

"Yey!!!!!!!" They're both excited


Taehyung was having difficulty doing two things at the same time , reading the recipes book and cooking while the kids having fun playing at the living room

"Ahjussi can i look aroun your apartment?"

"Sure , act like in your own house and go play anything while I'm preparing this"

The environment later became quiet as the twins disappeared from his sight and he focused on his cooking trying to make his best . He just can't believe he cooked for his own sons

On the other hands

"Hyungki Hyungki let's enter this room first.." the older nodded and follow his twin little brother

"Why this room looks so creepy ?"

"I think ahjussi don't use this room"

"Yeah maybe"

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