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Jungkook went to work alone by bus again . Taehyung doesn't come home last night and the food that he cooked with all his heart goes to waste as he threw it into the dustbin.

Running towards the crowd getting ready with the equipment to shoot for the next episode of the show jungkook saw Taehyung on studio's stage getting ready on the small sofa waiting for the guest . As soon as their eyes met he gave him the sweetest smile he ever had but he just looked away which make kook hurts a little but ignored it .

'Maybe he couldn't see me'

One of the staff running towards Taehyung telling him that the guest has arrived and ready to shoot for their next episode. Less than in five minutes a nice figure of a girl walking politely towards the stage bowing to the PD's , staffs and lastly at Taehyung before taking her seat on the single coach .

That's Kang Seulgi


"Wow ! So guys now you've seen every side of our popular actress nowadays Kang Seulgi . Sow how ? Don't you guys love it ? Today with you as the guest was really fun and I'm looking forward to have you as our guest again . I think your fans and our viewers will love it too"

"Yeah i will be glad too if this is what my fans want"

Taehyung nods "sadly this episode has come to an end" he looks at his cue card before reading it outloud "what about you asking me some questions since i asked you a lot today"

"Ouh really? Random ?"

"Yeah anything! You know i have fans too maybe my fans are wondering a lot about me!" He laughed and jungkook in the crowds with other PD's just smiling because after one day he could see his boyfriend smiling and laughing again . He missed him

"So.. are you like in a relationship with someone? I bet your fans curious about this too" that question wasn't shocked for the staffs there but it is for jungkook and Taehyung. Taehyung looks uncomfortable on the stage as his eyes searching for his little boyfriend in the crowds

"I .... hmm"

Jungkook is sweating

"Not in a relationship with someone" he smiles towards the camera and goes back to seulgi

'I know that would be his answer' jungkook's inner heart said

"Really?! Doesn't this mean i have a chance?"

'Not shocked but disappointed'

"W-what ?" Taehyung kinda shocked at her comments

'God ! Did she just flirt with my boyfriend in the tv show ?!'

"Just kidding you don't have to look that stressful"

"No no I'm not please don't misunderstood" Taehyung smiles again towards her before switching his eyes to the camera

"So now we're really ending this episode with Kang seulgi as our lovely guest thank you for watching and have a good day!"

"Cut! Nice everyone"

A loud of applause from the people there's for this successful episode with kang seulgi .

As usual jungkook went to his boyfriend with a bottle of water in his hands but before he could give him . Seulgi has already gave him one and he gladly took it

"Ouh wow i will pretend that's not hurt at all" jungkook said as keep back the bottle


"Taehyung ~~ you're so cool today !" As usual kookie will compliment him to give him the courage because he deserves it since he loves his work too much

"Thank you jungkook and I'm sorry for that . I didn't have any choices"

Jungkook sighed "it's okay don't worry. I know it will ruins your appearance" jungkook said like he was okay but he's not . He's hurting

"Thank you for being understanding"

"Most welcome but .. why aren't you coming home last night?"

"Oh fuck ! That one ! I'm sorry kookie suddenly the meeting dragged a few hours and I'm too tired to go home so i just sleep here in this make up room since they have sofa"

'Is work more important than me?'

"But i coo-"

'I cooked for you but it was left untouched'

"never mind it's okay . You must be tired right? Let's go home i will cook something refreshing for you"

"Yeah let's go home . Wait for me at the usual place for me to pick you up"

It was at a shop few blocks away from the company. It's because he doesn't want anyone from the workplace see us together riding the same car

What do you see in Taehyung right now ?

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