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[Because my readers so kind to me , here another update with a minor hehe 😉 ]

Taehyung and jungkook watching the movie with Jungkook's head was laying on Taehyung's lap as jungkook munched on his popcorns while Taehyung playing with jungkook's hair Taking the chances having time together as their kids sleeping soundly inside their own room . They're back to Taehyung apartment again and Taehyung helped jungkook all day moving out all his stuff yesterday and today they're gonna have their own time

"Kook...~" Taehyung called him while his hands still playing with his hairs " they say we only falls in love once but that's not true because every time i see you i fall in love again all over with the same person named jeon jungkook and I regretted that i once wasted you in my life"

Jungkook got up from his position and hoped on Taehyung's lap facing his handsome face that could shake his walls and only kim Taehyung can do that as his hands wrapped around his neck "i told you to forget about how jerk were you long ago cause right now I'm believing you . That's why I'm giving my life to you for the second time and you better do it right" jungkook said in a stern voices, he was really serious about giving his life again to Taehyung

And there Taehyung with small nods


Taehyung looking at jungkook petrified because jungkook does looks scary nowadays after they get back and he follows everything jungkook ask him to do

"By the way don't y-you think we're too intimate right now?" Jungkook said as he winked his eyes seductively to Taehyung. They're still in that position where jungkook on his laps as his hands around Taehyung neck

Jungkook's fingers trails down from his neck to his chest as his fingers unbuttoned Taehyung's shirt one by one slowly yet seductively. Taehyung bit his lips as he saw how sexy was jungkook right now , he's bold . Taehyung let jungkook do what he wanted to do soon he felt cold air hits his chest as he realised he was half naked while jungkook still fully dressed

"sssshh" Taehyung moaned as he felt wet tongue circling on his nipples throwing his head back when one of jungkook hands palming his cock trough the fabric .

Jungkook licks and sucks his nipples lustily and he smirked at how Taehyung reacted . He stop palming his cock instead his slid down his hands inside the pants straight wrapping his hands around Taehyung's cock "mmmphh k-kook" Taehyung looked at jungkook , sweat dripping from his forehead pulled jungkook hands away from his cock "let me do the work for you" then he pushed jungkook onto the sofa as he crawled on top of jungkook "i've been wanting to do this to you long ago" he pulled down his pants and boxers in one swift leaving him naked at his lower body "you hard?"

"because of you" Jungkook said raised one of his eyebrows and Taehyung smirked moving down till his eye level straight to jungkook's cock

"I want to suck you so bad" Taehyung said and in one swift as he shoved all jungkook's cock into his mouth deliciously

Jungkook on the other hand throwing his head back with his mouth opened a little trying not to suppress his moans

Taehyung bobbed his head up and down while two of his hands reached for kook's nipples and pinching it softly earned a little moan from him " i miss your cute moan let me hear it" Taehyung continues bobbing his head up and down sucking jungkook's cock tastily as his tongue inside doing the work circling around the tips

"aaaahhhh t-tae~" Taehyung smirked as his hands pinches his nipples hard "nnnghhh t-taehyung ah~" his cock getting more hard inside Taehyung's mouth . He took the chances and shoved it deeper into his mouth "mmmhhhh f-fuck t-taehyung!" Kook's face scrunched in pleasure and Taehyung liked it , he continued moving his mouth tasting the cock faster and sensitive's jungkook won't stop pulling Taehyung's hair but Taehyung liked this wild jungkook

"aaaahhh tae I'm closee~" Jungkook felt his stomach tightening inside feeling so weird "d-don't stop" Taehyung increasing pace bobbing his head as his mouth do the work around his cock , Taehyung can feel that jungkook has near his orgasm "mmmmhhh t-tae" jungkook pulled his hair harshly making his mouth taking the cock deeper and in seconds Jungkook came spurting his cum inside Taehyung's mouth , jungkook grabbed on Taehyung's hair felt loose and Taehyung who's his head still in between Jungkook legs looked up to see jungkook breathing heavily his chest moving up and down , his legs shaking taking the orgasm well .

Taehyung got up and lift jungkook in bridal style taking him to their room laying jungkook there beside him and pulled the blanket up to their neck to cover their body as Taehyung pulled jungkook near to his chest "do you hear that?" He asked the sleepy jungkook

"Hear what?"

"My heart beating so fast because of you" jungkook smiles to the ears and went more closer to Taehyung's chest "glad i did that to you , please don't leave me again"

"I should be the one who says that , jeon jungkook please don't leave me I'm ready to give you everything including my heart , I will do everything just to steal your heart again, i will make you feel loved, i want us to be happy with our little family"

"Make me fall for you , don't let me go away , now I'm sleepy please let me lay on your chest so i can listen to your heartbeat" Taehyung then wrapped his hands around jugkook's small waist

"I want to be with you till my last page"
and soon they fell asleep while cuddling with each other that night

Taehyung is happy and he will do everything, he promised to himself to make jungkook feels so love, he's going to shower his love to jungkook everyday . He promised he will never let jungkook go again . It's already hurting him and jungkook so much long ago

Hi ?

U okay ?

Thank you for all the wishes i will enjoy my last teen well :)

Do votes and comments!

I love you readers , I remember all of you who read it since chapter and staying with me till now , love you 😍

Taehyung goodluck on your mission !

Btw , I don't know when i will end this book but maybe after Taehyung successfully captured 100% jungkook's heart

New update : lol I'm writing another vkook book !!! Yey ? Or nay ? I will release it when I finish chapter 15 i guess ?

Title : How To Be Gay ?

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