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"What kind of shoes does ninja wears? Sneakers !!"

They all went into silent, the jokes that jimin told them spoiled their mood on this good day

"Chim can u come up with something better duh ?"

"Joonie I'm not a sexy brain like you okay but at least i got sexy booty"



"Yes baby" it's yoongi who else ?

Jimin walked around the mall while his  small hands in yoongi's big hands . They're having some their private time outside or we could say a date

"Jimin stop crying oh god" yoongi wiped jimin's tears which keeps falling from his beautiful eyes "people are looking" yeah because of jimin's crying they got people's attention who walked around the mall too

"But .... why they all died I'm still emotional about it my superheroes" yeah that's it . Jimin cried after watching the avengers and yoongi swear he wouldn't bring jimin to a cinema again

"Baby want someone baskin robbins?" Jimin stop crying after that and his eyes went bigger and nodded his head fast

"Let's go" jimin is such a child , he could stop crying if people bribe him with something mostly foods because jimin is a good eater

As they walked together hands in hands they bumped into someone who they hated it a lot . Jimin is the one who knows him better because jungkook is his best friend and of course he knows everything about the guy in front of him Kim Taehyung. Yoongi only knows his face and all the story by jimin and jungkook and he don't actually really know kim Taehyung. Jimin pulled yoongi's hands wanted to pass the guy and walked away

"Jimin ..... please"

"What do you want kim Taehyung? I don't talk to ghost , you're dead go away" jimin really got that mouth good

"Please don't be like this , just 10 minutes" kim Taehyung begged and jimin didn't know whether to agree or not but soon yoongi let go of his hands "just go I'm okay , i'll wait at baskin robbins" jimin nodded and yoongi walked away

"Make it 10 minutes ghost" jimin crossed his arms and looking so serious unlike when he was with yoongi just now . Jimin looks creepy as hell not smiling at all .

"Does jungkook have anything with the guy named hoseok ?"

"Maybe" short answer by jimin

Taehyung took a deep breath before talking again trying to courage up himself

"I'm sorry that i made your friend suffered all this time . I know I'm fucking dumb . I was blinded by the fame i got and the girl who came in my life . In a matter of seconds i ruined my own life , i lost jungkook , i lost my child , i lost their trust , i lost their smiles towards me and it's all fucking hits me hard to the point i feel like i want to end my life . No point of living without jungkook not wanting me in his life and how the kids turned their head from me and went to others guy hugs . I.. i fucking ruined everything jimin . When he left i fucking realised how dumb i was jimin , all i think past these 5 years was only him. I imagined him every morning wake up beside me . I love him , i love him so much" Taehyung was crying really hard , he never saw Taehyung so broken like this and he really looks like he lost his beloved ones . Jimin sighed

"But you never find them, if you do i think at least jungkook will give you second chance"

"No jimin .. i did , i even hired experienced ones to find them but there's no information at all . I didn't know where they lived" Taehyung explained it

"What ? Really? You tried to find jungkook and your kids ? Wow I'm speechless Taehyung. Then how the fuck you still can't find him if you already hired the expert ones ? All this time he lived at his grandma house in busan tae"

"What ? He was there ? I found at that he actually still have a grandma at busan so i did go there but when i asked the villagers they all said they didn't know who is jungkook and his grandma"

"What the hell is happening?! This is hella weird ? The villagers knows them so well Taehyung ! They even helped him for his grandma death. They handled everything! How come they said they didn't know ?!" Both of them hella confused . They didn't know how it turned out like this . Jimin didn't know that Taehyung went to busan to where fucking jungkook lived , They're near but in the end they're far again

"Tae this is weird i swear ! Tae please find out about this and let me know . I will try to find out too and let you know . This time I trust you so you better get this right. This is your chance to get jungkook back. Please stop crying you fucking old ghost ! You looks ugly" which later on they ended up laughing together. Taehyung felt at ease a bit that jimin trusted him


"Hyung won i want you to go to jungkook's grandma house at busan and find out if the villagers know jungkook and his grandma or not" Taehyung ordered his most trusted people inside the company "i'll give whatever you want if you find out the real reason"

"Thank you sir ! I will make sure to find this out" hyung won stepped outside from Taehyung's office room and later on his mother entered which only makes him annoyed

"Forget jungkook and marry kang seulgi"




Drop ur theory here bcs army is well known with their theory but not me 😂

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