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"No !! Let me go you fucker don't touch me !!!!" Seulgi screams making all the staffs and visitors there looking at her annoyingly "Please do not fight us ms kang seulgi you're arrested for the attempts of murder"

"No !! Not my fault! Fucking d-don't touch me you disgusting!"

"Kang seulgi!!!" That moment her father arrived at the police station looking all mad and furious. Seulgi scared of his father since she was younger "a-appa..." her father walked towards her and


He slapped right on her face making the police who was holding her frozed too "a-appa .. ~~" seulgi brokes into tears after receiving that great slap from her own father "you're fucking sick seulgi ! You wanted to kill the innocent child because of your selfishness?!!! Where's your humanity ?!!!"

"A-appa ~ I'm sorry please tell them to let me go please appa you have money do whatever to let me go please" his father sighed, long sighed escaped from his mouth "even right now you don't acknowledge your mistakes , when will you change kang seulgi ? I'm so disappointed.. you're my only child and you did this to our family .. it's my fault for always giving what you want and now when you don't get it you can't accept it"

"No appa ~ it's not your fault it's my fault but appa please I don't want to live in prison"

"No seulgi , this time I'm not going to help you , you have to accept the effects of what you've done, it's not a small matter seulgi you're trying to kill child . It's time for you to do it yourself or you will never realised your mistakes . I'm sorry but I'm doing this for you my daughter, i love you but I can't accept when my daughter like this . You used to be a sweet child now what happened? Go ... i will wait for you at home even for next 20 years, i will wait for old seulgi to come to me again...."

"Appa don't!! No Please!!!!! I swear i will do whatever you want please do something!!"

"Take her with you i will bring our lawyer" his father ordered the policeman to take her with them for the next procedure

A doctor came out after 6 hours fighting in the surgery room with a motionless face

All of them , jungkook , jimin , yoongi , namjoon , Taehyung's mother , and seokjin who happened to work at the same hospital were there too ran to the doctor, The twins already fell asleep on the benches

"Doctor how is Taehyung ? Tell me he's okay now please ...." jungkook begged him sounded so desperate

"I've done my best and my team have done their best too , he's safe but .... but he is in coma and I don't know when he will wake up again because the damages he received was so pretty serious especially his head . He got hit on his head pretty hard . And as far now you can wait or you can go back home because he will be in ICU since he is not that stable yet and visiting are not allowed at this time bit you can watch him trough the glass door . I'm sorry but don't lose hope and pray for the best now excuse me i have to check him"

Jungkook , his mother and jimin broke into tears again , again and again . There's two meaning behind their tears they're happy because Taehyung is safe but at the same time they're sad because will Taehyung wake up again from the coma ?

Jungkook was crying hard don't know what to do he feels like he lost something deep in his heart . It was clenching real hard and jungkook could feel the pains on his chest . Taehyung's mother walked to jungkook and pulled him into her hugs "Jungkook I'm not okay seeing you broken like this , I'm broke too I'm his eomma after all but jungkook please be strong. Let's pray for the best , i know maybe this is our karma but i hope it's not just you who could give him second chance, i hope the god will give him second chance too" she strokes jungkook's back again and again soothing him and others whose watching jungkook like that makes them feel so sympathy towards him especially jimin who was crying too against yoongi's chest as his boyfriend wiped his tears

"Yoongi I'm scared..."

"He will be okay jimin trust me ...." jimin nodded and leaned against yoongi warm chest again because he feel safe whenever he do that

Seokjin and namjoon on the other hands looking at each other "i feel bad for him jin ...."

"Yeah me too joonie .. i know that Taehyung was a jerk heartless bastard but after all he's human too just like us ... he realised his mistakes and trying to fix it as much as he could . Even though jungkook rejected him again and again he's still there chasing for jungkook even a day before this happened jungkook told me how Taehyung came to him and how he finally wanted to let jungkook go because he thinks he doesn't deserve jungkook anymore . He puts his ego and selfishness aside so he can watch jungkook happy with someone else . He needs someone to comfort his broken heart too it's not easy for him to let someone he loves go and we know he's in a serious state joonie , he may wake up but he may not too it's all depends on how strong he is" seokjin finally felt his eyes sweating in the verge of tears but holding it back . He knows Taehyung in the serious condition because he's a doctor too after all .

"I know baby ... i know him too , I worked at his company earlier than him . He wasn't a jerk or bastard and he treated people so well but there's one day suddenly he became a hoe and i hate him but now I realised the things that happening to him right now is like a karma and i think he is now facing a great amount of self reflecting"

Namjoon hold seokjin hands in order to comfort him while his eyes on the twins looking at them "i hope your appa will wake up so he could give you a proper hug and kiss as an appa"


This time i swear , gonna update the next chapter on 28/6 (night) bcs lollll i have to studyyyyyy !!! my finallll and i fucking don't wanna fail 😭😭😭I don't want to repeat seriously bcs I'm not one of those students who are clever and always got their names in the dean list huuuuuu 😭

Omg sorry I'm ranting this to you :(

Btw , guess my age ?

And thank you readers i love you seriously 😭😭 thanks for those who said will stay with me till the ends ! I seriously love you !!!! Let's be friends for real , u can dm me whenever u want I'm up for it hehe 😂

And sorry about grammar (smh I'm bad at it ) and sorry too if there's typo just ignore it :)

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