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*The next day*

Since today jungkook gonna be the guest again Taehyung drived him together and Taehyung was so excited

"I wish the kids could follow us together" he said

"Awwww my baby no worries they said they wanna have fun with jimin today" Jungkook nodded


Taehyung and jungkook entered the studio together while holding their hands and all the staffs inside look at them weirdly

'Are they something?'

'I don't know'

'I heard when Taehyung commas for 2 years jungkook is the one who took care of him'

'Omg really? But jungkook and Taehyung? Together?'

Jungkook heard all of them and Taehyung hold his hands tightly "ignore them" and jungkook just nodded

They're getting ready for the show and jungkook done with their appearance but he's confused why the stylists made him wear suits . He shrugged it off and made his way to the studio "you look beautiful" Taehyung said to jungkook when jungkook sat on the sofa in front of him the same sofa where he sat long ago when he said that his love was dead but actually he was right on front of him "thank you"

"Ready !" Director shouted and counted his hands from 5 to 1

"Hello guys now we're back again with our special guest today Jeon Jungkook the painter artist nowadays ........"


"We talked about many things today and now it's time to end this episode , do you have any words to say to your fans ?" Jungkook smiles and nodded "thank you , first of all I wanted to say thank you to all my fans who loves my arts , my family , my friends and my loved ones....." Taehyung smiled at the statement " I came long ago in this show saying that my loved ones is dead but actually he doesn't and still alive...." Taehyung didn't expect jungkook gonna talk about this the staff , the PDs also shocked about it " I'm not at expressing but i just wanna say i love him , i love him very much . When i said he's dead it's hurting me inside because the fact i still love him . And my love .. when you hear this i hope you will never leave me . Please don't ever leave me again...." jungkook said and Taehyung besides him startled . This wasn't what he planned . No no jungkook shouldn't say this . He have to stop jungkook from talking more as his eyes gave sign to jimin who sat quietly at the corner of the studio with the twins "And i -..." jungkook stop as his eyes caught the twins walking towards the small stage with suits on their body looking so handsome. Taekook holding a bouquet of flowers while hyungki holding something small red box

"Hyungki .. taekook ..." jungkook shocked as the twins stood there in front of him on the stage with smiles and that time jungkook looked at Taehyung but Taehyung already kneeling in front of him using his right knee "t-tae what are you doing?"

Taehyung took the small red box from hyungki and opened it showing a diamond ring " I fell in love for second time with the same person . I love him so much to the point I can't express my feelings for him because only him could give me that feelings again and again. I'm a stupid for making you suffer once and I don't want to repeat the same thing again because I realised how i ruined my own life and his life . But now I'm really going to show him that I really love him , my loves for him is sincere , this is not a fake love..." Taehyung said as his eyes keep staring at jungkook who already in the verge of tears

"Jeon Jungkook, will you marry me living as Kim jungkook live with our little family Kim Hyungki and Kim Taekook showering our love towards each other like we used to do when we're still in high school . I promise to make you are the most happiest and luckiest for having me . I will never leave and make you hurt again , i love you" Taehyung said while picking up the diamond ring from its box as he looked at jungkook's eyes with sincerity "i...i do" jungkook said as finally his tears burst our from his eyes and Taehyung went smiling right away putting the ring onto jungkook's slender fingers and stood up again .

Taehyung hugged him and jungkook snaked his hands around Taehyung's neck as he let his tears falling down from his eyes "i- i-  i love you too"

Taehyung broke the hugs and took a bouquet of flowers from taekook's hands and giving it to jungkook "this is a promise from me to you , and this episode I requested it LIVE so people who are watching this show right now are our witness"

The staffs and the director who are still recording them frozed and got so shocked cause now they understood why Taehyung suddenly said they wanted this episode LIVE

Taehyung pulled jungkook closed to him and look at the camera while his hands on jungkook's waist "guys , jeon jungkook who used to work behind the stage that time was my boyfriend but i kept it secret from you guys because of my selfishness and how I regretted it right now for not telling it early so this thing won't happen between us . My selfishness destroyed everything in a matter of seconds . The twins here ....." Taehyung pulled the twins so they stood there near him facing the camera "are actually my biological sons"

"I'm a fucker bastard long ago i made jungkook suffered and i even rap-...mmmhhhh" jungkook cut Taehyung words by kissing him in front of the camera who's still recording them live . Jungkook doesn't want Taehyung to continue his words . He knows Taehyung gonna tell the world that Taehyung once raped him . No , he wouldn't let Taehyung do that . Past is past and he is happy with the presence of the twins . He is really happy now that Taehyung had already did this far to him just to show him how much he love him but the world didn't have to know about that . It hurts him

Jungkook kissed Taehyung passionately as Taehyung replied back with a sincere kissing while pulling jungkook waist closer to him . Jungkook pulled the kiss and whispered "you don't have to tell that Kim Taehyung, Let's forget about it because i want to be with you till my last breath"

They're both smiling at each other and Taehyung then picked taekook up as jungkook picked hyungki into his hands " I'm sorry for our drama life but this is a real drama life . I'm sorry for taking your times watching this so i will end this episode with the love of my life and my kids also this episode would be the last episode of me hosting this shows as i will replace my mother's position. Thank you and bye !" Taehyung ended the show and finally the director and staffs could breath properly turned off the camera

"Taehyung that's shocking us , we were about to lose our shit at how long you've been keeping this from us and we lose our shit when you told us this is your last show"

"I'm sorry" Taehyung said to the director

"Kookie let's go" Taehyung asked while they're both still carrying the twins in their hands


"have fun with our little family"


Urghhh finally i managed to update this chapter after few days

How was it ?

I'm sorry because I'm so busy , remember I'm still in my final examination weeks

Pls vote and comments thank you !

And to my someone special that i called princess, baby, kitten I'm sorry because I don't have time to open my sc ! I'm busy :( but i will open now and reply ur chat ;)

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