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5 years later

"Kim taekook ! Kim hyungki ! Come here brats aishhh!" Jungkook was so done with the twins who can't stay still at all instead playing around the show room disturbing few people who came to see the arts painted by some famous artists and jungkook himself at the capital city


As I walked at the alley carrying one of my little baby and the other one was carried by hoseok i saw a poster

Wanna be an artist?
Want to display your arts in the show room?

It's time for you to shine and paint your own world with the colour!

The winner will become our registered artist under our company !

"Join that kookie , it's time for you to become what you want" hoseok said while patting the sleepy 2 years old kid in his hands

"Hmmm yeah i think i will try"


"Congratulations to jeon jungkook ! You're the winner for this year!"

I can't believe that i won this now my kids won't suffering anymore with my poor life


"Urghh I can't believe i have this bratty kids who don't even listen to me" jungkook said as he try to catch his sons and put them inside the room behind the show room but he couldn't. He gave up

"God kookie you looks so damn tired , you can go and have your interview sessions with the magazines don't worry about them i will take care of it" hoseok was so worried looking at how tired how jungkook's face was and he felt so pity with him but what he can do ? They're facing kids not adults


Kim Taehyung POV

I paid for the ticket and entered the show room . I love arts because of jungkook . He teaches me the meaning behind the arts which not all can see it . A paint tells the whole story behinds it whether it's happy , sad , disappointed or angry .

I look at the paint hung against the wall with a serious face trying to understand the story behinds it and suddenly this one art attracted me a lot which I headed there without any hesitation. It's an art where a boy sitting at the corner with a red rose in his hands tears falling down from his cheeks . Such a gloomy face he had on

Taehyung could feel that the boy in the paint suffers a lot in his life . He looks at the painter name which only makes his eyes grew bigger

'Jeon Jungkook'

"J-jung awhhhh!!" Taehyung jumped in shock as he felt a figure bumped into him . He was about to get mad but brushed it off because they're just a kids who plays a lot

"Taekook looks ! You hit someone i told you to stop running" his other twins got mad at the other and taekook looks up at the figure in front of him "hmm .. mm ah-ahjussi I'm sorry"

'Taekook ?' I smiled as it reminds me how it fits my name and jungkook's name

"It's okay I forgive you but promise that you're not running around this busy hall anymore?"

"Okey hihi !"

"Hyungki Let's go to your eomma she will be mad" a voice, a deep voice came into my ears

"Hoseok ahjussi!" The twins hold their hands together and ran towards the guy called horse ? Hoe ? Hoseok whatever and then I remembered again

"Jungkook.. Finally you become what you want" i smile at the paint in front of me "where are you kookie ?" I sighed again

"I fucked up everything" i said as I realised how dumb i was back then treated jungkook like that

"Why you didn't tell me you were pregnant my child kookie?" A light tears fell down on my cheeks just by thinking how harsh i was long ago


A day before me and seulgi's wedding i feels like i wants to see and look around the guest room that jungkook used to sleep . I don't know too why i wants to see it . Maybe because i miss him ?

I went to the table where he puts all his present from me and the notes . I finally opened it after 4 months which only ended me tearing up and sobbing so hard fisting my hands and punched the mirror in front of me till my knuckles are all red from blood bleeding out, seriously but I couldn't feel the pain at that I hurt myself. I only feel the pain that jungkook suffers from me

Uwu !

#EndofFlashback-What Uwu !

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yoonkook bitchesss 💖

yoonkook bitchesss 💖

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poor jiminie it's okay but you know i know

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poor jiminie it's okay but you know i know ........

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#re-edit 😂😂 i was so sleepy when i wrote this chapter so there's a lot of error

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