༄ 9 ༄

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I heard the door slammed hard from the outside knowing it was Taehyung i was scared for my life

'Stop depending on others!'

I can't get out that words from him . What Taehyung said is right, i always depends on him, everything . And this time i decided not to tell Taehyung about the baby inside my womb because i don't want to depend on Taehyung again .

I ran out from the guest room , yeah we sleep seperated now because he asked me to do so . He looks so serious that i could feel my body was electrocuted

"Tae~ w-wanna eat?" Jungkook stutters But Taehyung ignored him

"Why the fuck you always messed up doing your fucking easy job ? I don't ask you to be the one inside the tv ! Do your work at the backstage fucking properly !" Jungkook flinched , eyes tearing up . Cold Taehyung come again

"Cry cry cry !! Is that the only you know to do ? You never change and a fucking baby like always! Be more mature jungkook!"

How could i not cry when Taehyung is yelling at me with that furious face . Of course I'm fucking scared facing this type of Taehyung. He never act like this and i wanna know what makes him like this

"I-I'm sorry taetae~ hikss" i cried let my tears fall down on my cheeks

"But Taehyung...." i look up at him with that teary eyes "you're different now" which only earned chuckles from Taehyung "does the fame makes you like this ? Or does that girl makes you hate me like this? Or does both makes you like this?" I finally said it . Which i felt like my heart could drop any seconds

"Don't you fucking ever to talk about her like that . You are nothing compared to her and she have everything ! Such a perfect lady unlike you still a baby depending on others!"

'Taehyung... could you be more careful with your words ? I'm hurt Taehyung I'm hurt'

"Taehyung i love you"

"No . Don't say it cause I don't feel the same anymore"

I cried my eyes out ran to him and hugged him tightly don't wanna lose him . I love him so fucking damn much even after he treated me like a piece of shit .

"Don't go please.. love me again Taehyung" I shamelessly begging for him to love me again but je just pushed me away which I almost fall but I grabbed the edge of the sofa fast and he leave me like that into his room

"My baby .. I almost hurt you I'm sorry" i was afraid and panic when Taehyung pushed me . Glad i acted fast


Day by day , week by week , my stomach getting bigger but i hide it under my large shirt which make it less obvious since my nice figure help a lot . I didn't work there anymore because Taehyung doesn't let me and namjoon hyung always visit me but of course we meets somewhere outiside not wanting Taehyung to get mad if he knows my friend entered his apartment

"First let get you checked in the hospital and ...."

"Shopping for your baby!!" Jimin squeals in excitement which namjoon and I bursted out laughing

"Let's go this hospital because one that one doctor who gives me the strength to not abort my baby when I first knew that i was pregnant"

"Yeah jungkook is fucking crazy he wants to abort his baby at first glad that doctor stopped him from doing so . Blessed that doctor" jimin said

"Yeah glad that i met him"


"So jungkook look at your tummy awwww" Doctor seokjin was the one who got excited first "so you came alone ?"

I shakes my head "nope . With my two friends" the doctor nodded as his hands moving around my big tummy and his eyes focusing on the monitor scanning my womb . I saw how his smiles grew bigger which i think maybe good news are coming

He printed the slip of my womb and pulled down my shirt again as he helped me to get up from the bed and sit down on the chair . He took the printed slip and gave it to me "congrats you're having twin ! Both are boys!"

My jaws dropped. Crap I don't think this is good . This means there will be two baby gonna hurt soon

"Aren't you happy jungkook?"

"No it's not that I'm not happy but doct.."

"Just call me hyung jungkook , you're like my little brother that i want to take care of"

"Hyung .. my babies gonna hurt when he knows his appa doesn't want my existence which means he doesn't want this baby too"

Seokjin hyung sighs "jungkook i know what you're afraid of but remember there's two people gonna gives you happiness and strength when you need it . This babies ..." seokjin hyung rubbed my big tummy "gonna need you more than you think" i broke off into tears as soon as he said that as i felt so mean that long ago i thought about abortion when this babies know nothing

"Sokay jungkook you're such strong eomma for them soon" i hugged seokjin "thank you hyung"

"Now let me company you to your friends i wanna know who are this friends that taking care of you . They're really nice"

I went out from his work room and walked to the waiting room with seokjin hyung following me from behind

"Guys let me introduce he is the one i sa-"

"Jin ?"


"What ? You guys know each other?" I asked confusedly and jimin shrugged his shoulders

"Eomma !!" I saw a kid running towards seokjin and hugged the figure in front of him . I guess that is his son

"Is this your son you talked about?" Seokjin nodded and carry the kid in his arms

"What ? You have a child?" Namjoon asked confusedly looking at both seokjin and that child

"What are you talking about joonie it's our child Kim namjin how could you forget that you have child?"

"Hah ?!!!" Both jimin and i said in unison looking at them in disbelief

An update lol cause why not 💖

Thank you for those who's staying with me and supporting this book I really appreciated it 💖

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