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*3 weeks later*

Taehyung has been moved to a private room from the ICU because he's already in a stable state but luck not on his side yet so there he is was laying on the bed with the help of machine , head wrapped with bandage and his face looks like somehow at peace and doesn't want to wake up from his sleep anymore

Jungkook on the other hands was still there beside him waiting for him everyday and every night. He didn't go home at all , he left the twins with jimin to take care of them and after they're going back from school jimin will bring them to see their mother jeon jungkook . Taekook and hyungki were so sad and eventually crying silently as they doesn't want jungkook saw them crying because jungkook weren't aware that his sons already know about Kim Taehyung is their own father

Jungkook rinse the small cloth into the bucket contains warm water and squeezed it , directly clean Kim Taehyung body at every sides of his body from forehead,face,neck,upper body, lower body , hands and finished it with a small kiss on Taehyung lips "please wake up....." a clear crystal fell from his eyes as he kissed Taehyung's lips "i never hate you" Jungkook put aside the bucket contained water and and sat on the chair beside the bed pulling Taehyung's hands and caressing it softly "i miss you"


Hoseok and jungkook were sitting at the outside of Taehyung room at the hallway

"Hoseok hyung ..... i-I'm really sorry but i-i don't th-think i can continue our relationship... i-i try to love y-you b-but it seems l-like I can't force my heart to acc-cept you" Jungkook finally confessed to hoseok what he has been feeling all this time . This is all for both of their sake , he doesn't want to give any hope to hoseok because he will end up hurting if jungkook can't love him back "i-i'm r-really ss-sory h-hyung" his voices was shaking as he cried feeling all guilty for doing this to hoseok who took care of him and the twins all this time but what can he do ? He really think of him as a real brother nothing more nothing less "i-i i really l-love you b-but as a b-brother p-please dont hate me and leave me , i really don't want u-us get awkward"

He sighed, long sighed escaped from his mouth and he leans closer to the crying jungkook pulling him into his hugs "ssshh p-please don't cry kookie" hoseok rubbed jungkook's back "i k-know how much you love him yet i still trying to take you away from him"

"I'm sorry kookie , i just love you so much that love could make me this mean trying to prevent him from meeting you long ago , they said he really cried in front of them asking for help to tell about you but i stopped them from telling the truth. And i also know that he weren't marrying that woman but i told you a wrong one .If i didn't do that you must not feeling this broke and live happily with him . I'm sorry kookie , i shouldn't do this to you I'm the one who's selfish here" jungkook pulled away from the hug and looked at hoseok with wet eyes

"Hyung I forgive you b-but this wasn't all your fault, it's my fault too . Because of how hurt and broken i am i keep denying my feeling towards him , I'm trying to hate him but I can't, I'm trying to forget him and I can't too because i still loves him deep from heart yet i followed my ego and keep pushing him away from my life . When he really wants me to be happy and wanted to let me go and stop chasing me I'm really hurt . That time I felt like I don't want him to stop chasing me but he really did , he turned away from me and I realised how much he's trying to be good for me , how much he's trying to change for me yet I didn't acknowledge it" jungkook was still crying and even hard he couldn't bear this pain, now it's not him who's the only one in pain. Everyone is in pain because of this and he really not strong seeing how Taehyung laying there on the bed with the help of machine giving him oxygen. Hoseok wiped his tears off from his red face "he didn't want to see you crying like this please stop crying kookie ~" hoseok pat his head softly "forget this relationship and you deserve what you really want, I'm not going to make you suffer by forcing you to accept me and make you become my partner it's hurting me too seeing you not happy with your life , we all know first love never fails us and that guy inside is your first love" jungkook wiped his tears which keep running again with the hem of his sleeves and hugged hoseok

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